TWW PvE experience expectations


I love PVE in wow and the story is my favorite. That being said, with the stat squish coming out and that epics will be closer to rares (from our current knowledge, subject to change) soloing dungeons and fighting harder mobs will be much harder if they are not lowered to our power level. This in turn could negate the awesome pve experience that has been built for f2p/non-paying vets during dragonflight. Any thoughts on preparations or statements to be made concerning this. All could be a moot point later, depending what is finalized and what they continue to change.
I'm not sure we can call the gear nerf as "negating the awesome pve experience". Let's be real, the PvE experience is fairly miserable depending on the activity :
- farming WoD dungeons ? I mean we all are more or less bored/done with it, not that they're bad dungeons but doing hundreds upon hundreds of runs will get anybody tired of it ;
- gearing as a whole ? Epics will still be slightly better for non TBC socketed gear spots but marginally so you can get good gear very quickly and have some decent socketed gear fairly easily -farming for gems still is a bit of a pain but warbank will be huge for this, one alt with JC and you're good to go-. Warbands also mean faster enchanting, alchemy one one char so a huge plus on this point
- farming for collectionism (achievements, pets, mounts, xmogs whatever really) ? There I can see why it would be worse, mindless grinding is better when done faster (like Island expeditions for instance). That said, the fact that wewill be able to share some currencies and at some point reps most likely means you won't be locked on a single character for farms which -in my humble opinion- is a nice plus and outweighs the lower power level con ;
- questing ? It is quite possibly the less interesting part of PvE as of now which saddens me quite a lot. If you aren't doing the "gearing while questing" gameplay where you just start a character in their starting areas (not Exile's Reach) and go around, doing quests, getting some gear slowly or giving yourself self-restrictions when it comes to ilvl, you basically one-shot everything, can aggro dozens of mobs and it is very uninteresting gameplay-wise. TWW's gear nerf will make things -a little- more challenging (at least not being basically in creative mode) and that is a good thing, especially considering that anyone in dungeon blues will still be strong enough to have no issue at all ;
- travel ? How about flying? Sounds great and oh wait...

We'll have to wait, changes will happen and we're not sure how TWW PvE will look like.
Tbh I have good hopes for the talent trees, the Warrior one looks great, we won't have to waste a talent points to get and who knows, maybe we'll get and back.
One can dream.

So yeah I think TWW PvE looks great so far don't stress about soloing dungeons, the new ilvl 84 seems to be around the current ilvl 54 so we'll still be plenty strong and dungeons won't be an issue :)
I'm not sure we can call the gear nerf as "negating the awesome pve experience". Let's be real, the PvE experience is fairly miserable depending on the activity :
- farming WoD dungeons ? I mean we all are more or less bored/done with it, not that they're bad dungeons but doing hundreds upon hundreds of runs will get anybody tired of it ;
- gearing as a whole ? Epics will still be slightly better for non TBC socketed gear spots but marginally so you can get good gear very quickly and have some decent socketed gear fairly easily -farming for gems still is a bit of a pain but warbank will be huge for this, one alt with JC and you're good to go-. Warbands also mean faster enchanting, alchemy one one char so a huge plus on this point
- farming for collectionism (achievements, pets, mounts, xmogs whatever really) ? There I can see why it would be worse, mindless grinding is better when done faster (like Island expeditions for instance). That said, the fact that wewill be able to share some currencies and at some point reps most likely means you won't be locked on a single character for farms which -in my humble opinion- is a nice plus and outweighs the lower power level con ;
- questing ? It is quite possibly the less interesting part of PvE as of now which saddens me quite a lot. If you aren't doing the "gearing while questing" gameplay where you just start a character in their starting areas (not Exile's Reach) and go around, doing quests, getting some gear slowly or giving yourself self-restrictions when it comes to ilvl, you basically one-shot everything, can aggro dozens of mobs and it is very uninteresting gameplay-wise. TWW's gear nerf will make things -a little- more challenging (at least not being basically in creative mode) and that is a good thing, especially considering that anyone in dungeon blues will still be strong enough to have no issue at all ;
- travel ? How about flying? Sounds great and oh wait...

We'll have to wait, changes will happen and we're not sure how TWW PvE will look like.
Tbh I have good hopes for the talent trees, the Warrior one looks great, we won't have to waste a talent points to get and who knows, maybe we'll get and back.
One can dream.

So yeah I think TWW PvE looks great so far don't stress about soloing dungeons, the new ilvl 84 seems to be around the current ilvl 54 so we'll still be plenty strong and dungeons won't be an issue :)
I agree with the op concept that it might be better, but in certain circumstances. Obviously i don’t enjoy taking a boss down in like 5 hits, but i mainly play tank specs and love having a huge group of mobs slamming down just to rise out of it, and finding out what my limit is. Essentially i will be sad if that is lowered, as i am expecting. But flying??! Yes, this is a huge improvement that i cant wait for!
I agree with the op concept that it might be better, but in certain circumstances. Obviously i don’t enjoy taking a boss down in like 5 hits, but i mainly play tank specs and love having a huge group of mobs slamming down just to rise out of it, and finding out what my limit is. Essentially i will be sad if that is lowered, as i am expecting. But flying??! Yes, this is a huge improvement that i cant wait for!

Tanking a lot of mobs can be quite funny I can only agree with you there but I'm not too worried about it either, especially if you have some health-regen gems as a vet.
I am not worried about the squish as it is right now. I am lazy and I never farmed a set of i87 gear, so I do all my PVE stuff with i61 blues and an engineering dragon trinket. A 10-15% nerf in stats isn't going to make a huge difference imo.

Being able to use enchants again and SL gems is a far bigger difference maker for PVE content from my experiences.

If they start making stats for gear lower at low levels, then I'll start being concerned.
The Solo PvE experience was alot more fun, when you could actually die with gear imo.
Then again, that's a quite a few years now.

Still it's enjoyable.. But a nerf to us, a buff to dungeons, and fixes to Ooze and Totem trinkets, would be a good thing. Not a bad thing.

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