Lvl 20 Gold Farming


New Member
First off, shoutout to Luzbekk on Thunderlord for telling me about this website and the song recommendation "Million Dollar Baby." The dude found me farming SBG and struck up a convo on lvl 20 twinking.

To the main point of the thread though... I'm working on gold farming at lvl 20, and I'm curious about what everyone thinks/recommends on gold farming at this level.

But first, let me preface a few important things.
1. Yes, I am aware the gold cap is 1000 gold on trial/f2p/locked accounts, which is why I need to get creative.
2. I currently have 3 wow tokens to unlock my account at any time, so my goal here is to collect/farm/craft items and mats so I can bomb the AH when I use a token to make enough gold for the next Xpac.
3. I hate spending money on subscription, and when I gold farm on an unlocked account it ruins all other parts of my retail experience, so lvl 20 is where the farms need to be.
4. I'm just about finished with gearing my first twink (G bear) in full warforged gear, so I can solo a lot but the damage as of now is low.
5. I've started to develop my WoD garrison which you can get up to lvl 2 for the buildings on locked/f2p accounts, so any recommendations there would be dope.

Keeping all these things in mind, I'd love to hear what people think of this. How I've currently been trying to gold farm is by running old-world dungeons for BoE Tmogs, and Mat farming in places like Shadowmoon valley in BC for motes of air. I then check prices with the TSM addon (I'm probably misusing it) to see what's worth farming. Also, when I hit the 1k gold cap, I buy things from my tundra mount vendors to sell back to at a later date, but you only get 1/4 back of what you spend so if there's something more efficient/can sell on the AH let me know.

So... what do y'all recommend?

What might be some available dungeons to farm? What are some valuable Mats I can get at lvl 20? Is there a system available to me that I might be forgetting? Any Good add-ons that might help?

Any ideas are much appreciated, as I've been searching for a week or 2 on YouTube for gold farms, but the majority of those videos don't work on locked accounts, or the video is a straight lie on the actual value.

This locked account handicap for gold farming has made this whole ordeal surprisingly a lot more fun, so if anything else, I hope this thread encourages people to start exploring what a lvl 20 can do to make BANK.

P.S. this is my first post, so if I've made a mistake or overstepped somehow, please let me know.

Your boi GjallarHorny
If you're building up a war chest of goods for the AH, you should think about what mats/items can be farmed efficiently by your f2p toons that will be in demand in the coming xpac. This may take some research, but that's the game. has good price information if you're wondering about current supply/demand.

I used to bot-fish for pets with an f2p toon and then sub for a month and slowly sell the pets over time to buy wow tokens (and not crash the pet prices). Paid for over two years of game time by selling a bank full of tiny carp pets auto-farmed over a couple months. It was a risky strategy, because the key to my success was violating the tos, but I had a lot of fun doing it... and I never got caught.

This might be a fun topic to explore. Beyond just raw gold sinks like (elixir of tongues), what can we be farming now on our vet toons to bank value for the coming xpac?
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I'd just chain run BFA dungeons. generally 50g+ per run. Maybe if there were a good WQ up you could chain kill hyper-spawning mobs in SL for vendor trash that might earn you far, far more; though it seems your heart is set on high-yield carfting mats.

FIrst off, pick up Engi & go get yourself a With this, you can run around to the clouds you see in Nagrand & suck up motes of air. WAY faster than farming the ele's in SMV. If you had a DH, you might also be able to get up to the plateau where the fire ele's spawn & Doomlord Kazzak is.
Don't know how a Druid would get there. Alternately, you could run TBC instances & farm up & to toss on the AH, they will always move & even with the cross-realm market, sell at a decent price. Had Wintergrasp not gone max level, you could farm titanium there, but it's largely unfarmable, even for the dripping-est 20.
THere's the in the Valley of the Four Winds, that's easy-money. WOuldn't muck about with the Vale of Eternal Blossoms circuit, as the mobs are all level 35 & are a bit too much for a 20, especially in packs.

As for xMog farming... I would't bother. Even the most delicious pieces sell at their own pace, & you can have 20m worth of stuff up & not make 1c.

If only gear would get normalized out in the world again, we could rake in all them noey wee need for a sub by going & farming world-drops for each other.
*shed's a tear for SL twink gear 2x4 World-Farms.
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Also Zapthrottle Mote Extractor still works in Northrend too. So, another source for mats. But keeping mind you have to keep Outlands Engineering @ 5 to use!

As to getting to the "plateau where the fire ele's spawn & Doomlord Kazzak is." Most classes that have the X-52 Rocket Helmet from Area-52 quest chain and a goblin glider or similar toy combo can get up the hill (there is a large cooldown on the helmet). Unfortunately ghost flying spawn (queue for dungeon or battleground; die and ghost fly to the area you want before you take the queued popup to get rezzed) doesn't work yet in Outlands like in Pandaria, BFA other expansion areas. [[But with purposed flying changes coming up with The War Within; this could change as one can fly there]].

Another interesting option for Outland's mining or herb gathering if one gets Ogri'la unlocked via the quest chain, the ogres become neutral so farming Outlands mining nodes and herbs is somewhat easier around the Bladeshold areas. There is an ogre mine that spawns at least two adamantine nodes every circuit from mine to central buildings in middle and back, and the path between the outpost and the central also spawns other mining nodes as well as herbs. One Khorium Node spawned after mining Fel Iron/adamantine node during a few passes there.
If you're building up a war chest of goods for the AH, you should think about what mats/items can be farmed efficiently by your f2p toons that will be in demand in the coming xpac. This may take some research, but that's the game. has good price information if you're wondering about current supply/demand.

I used to bot-fish for pets with an f2p toon and then sub for a month and slowly sell the pets over time to buy wow tokens (and not crash the pet prices). Paid for over two years of game time by selling a bank full of tiny carp pets auto-farmed over a couple months. It was a risky strategy, because the key to my success was violating the tos, but I had a lot of fun doing it... and I never got caught.

This might be a fun topic to explore. Beyond just raw gold sinks like (elixir of tongues), what can we be farming now on our vet toons to bank value for the coming xpac?
Thx for the reply. When it comes to undermine exchange, is it relatively accurate? When I use TSM I get the feeling the pricing it shows me is wrong
and when I gold farm on an unlocked account it ruins all other parts of my retail experience

I agree, spending most of my time farming to pay for the next month's token would ruin the game experience for me as well. has good price information if you're wondering about current supply/demand.

Absolutely. Check prices for your realm to see what items are valuable and worth farming.

Some other considerations:
-Turning off experience on a lv 20 does not work. If you sub and log in a lv 20, they will gain up to 10 levels from their banked experience. Thus cannot log in with them after your sub expires.
-It's all about the math. If a token costs 270k, you need to avg. 9k gold per day. If you play 2hrs/day, 4500g per hour or 75g/min. Pretty tall order.
-Farming mats can produce income, but again you have to calculate how much you can farm per hour (actually time it instead of guessing) and how much you can sell without crashing the price significantly or surpassing the actual demand.

WoD garrison has some good items that can be farmed "passively", though not in quantity (2-5 items per month per character):
Coalfist Gronnling
Huge Ogre Cache
Frozen Arms of a Hero
Medallion of the Legion
Void-Shrouded Satchel
You can log a character and use a macro /script ShowGarrisonLandingPage(2) to see current missions available without actually visiting your garrison.
not sure if this helps, but something I Found useful . So I was trying to figure out a way to make 10 gold before hitting level 11 so that I could make a 10 twink. Anyways I hit 10 , got fishing , took the boat to dragon isles . Some of the gray items I was fishing up vendored between 5-20g

Quickly made my 10g to turn off xp. Went back and fished till i could fill my bags and bank slots. Went pretty quick
Thx for the reply. When it comes to undermine exchange, is it relatively accurate? When I use TSM I get the feeling the pricing it shows me is wrong
In my experience, undermine is practically live market data (or historical data if the item isn't currently listed on the AH). I stopped using TSM because the data was often inaccurate, but that was years ago.
Worthit addon is a great tool if you already use TSM its developed by a guy on youtube called DalaGG and his friend. you can make your own farms and export import. and if you download routes aswell you can make routes for farming also. Great tool.
Also Zapthrottle Mote Extractor still works in Northrend too. So, another source for mats. But keeping mind you have to keep Outlands Engineering @ 5 to use!

As to getting to the "plateau where the fire ele's spawn & Doomlord Kazzak is." Most classes that have the X-52 Rocket Helmet from Area-52 quest chain and a goblin glider or similar toy combo can get up the hill (there is a large cooldown on the helmet). Unfortunately ghost flying spawn (queue for dungeon or battleground; die and ghost fly to the area you want before you take the queued popup to get rezzed) doesn't work yet in Outlands like in Pandaria, BFA other expansion areas. [[But with purposed flying changes coming up with The War Within; this could change as one can fly there]].

Another interesting option for Outland's mining or herb gathering if one gets Ogri'la unlocked via the quest chain, the ogres become neutral so farming Outlands mining nodes and herbs is somewhat easier around the Bladeshold areas. There is an ogre mine that spawns at least two adamantine nodes every circuit from mine to central buildings in middle and back, and the path between the outpost and the central also spawns other mining nodes as well as herbs. One Khorium Node spawned after mining Fel Iron/adamantine node during a few passes there.
Thanks for the info. I looked into the mote extractor and I can't find any up-to-date info on how to get it. Every source says you need 305 BC engineering to get a quest for it, but that was when BC was current. now engineering caps at 75, so where do I go and what do I need to do to get the quest/schematic?
Thanks for the info. I looked into the mote extractor and I can't find any up-to-date info on how to get it. Every source says you need 305 BC engineering to get a quest for it, but that was when BC was current. now engineering caps at 75, so where do I go and what do I need to do to get the quest/schematic? It's a quest reward in Zangar Marsh, available for craft at lvl 15 TBC Engi.
The hard part, especially if you're true F2P, is getting a
But if you can swing it, you can just print G's by running around cloud farming.
Ive been doing something similar but my account is subbed. So keep in mind I already have about a wow tokens worth of gold flow while im subbed from professions farming mogs mats ect. The real thing that helped me break away from the cycle of subbing with my earned gold and just being broke all the time was I got a few recruit a friends recruited. After I was past the initial recruit a friend rewards I already had 3 recruits this allowed me to start accumulating wow tokens from the recruit a friend reward every month. Then I started to invest my earned gold into twinking. I chose to make 24 twinks 1 of each class on both factions (more toons=more inventory space) . I then maxed my bank inventory space with reasonably priced bags for the cost. Then I proceeded to buy and farm mats for professions. I start with classic alchemy to 300 just for the flask. Then I do the relevant engineering stuff. Like wod for ultimate swiss army knife, bfa to 85 for brez item, mists of panderia to 25 for goblin glider tinker, shadowlands to 1 for the wormhole generator , then northrend to max 300 for Jeeves and tinkers. Jeeves cant be crafted unless your subbed cuz some of the items im not sure if are obtainable while f2p.

But yeah the idea is to keep engineering forever on all the twinks you make and to drop alchemy and pickup a gathering profession to farm mats with the intention of selling those mats raw on the ah. You can always pick alchemy back up for lvl 1 use of the flask. I do use undermine exchange for price checking mats to get decent bang for my buck but dont exclusively farm the highest costing mat just for the sake of diversity with the mats you target farm so you have more goods to sell. The reason Jeeves is a must have for me is when im out in the wild farming and my inventory becomes full I can drop a Jeeves down and have a bank on the go. I guess you could just make a bunch of goblins and have bank access without the hassle of doing northrend engineering to 300 but thats your call i personally went and got a Jeeves on all my twinks even on my goblins.

This is not cheap to do if your buying everything and farming nothing. I estimate it costs 50k-100k per twink to preset them like this. But then again once there done you will be able to pay yourself back over time .

Ok this next part I haven't done yet so its just a theory technically till I get a chance to actually do it. But the idea is before my sub expires I will buy a wow token with gold then stash it away on 1 of my toons. Then I will farm a ton of mats till all 24 toons banks are packed to the brim with a wide variety of mats and sellables then use that wow token and unload it on the ah for 3 out of the 4 weeks i have subbed. The last week i will try to offload the mats in bulk to either A a friend that subs with money on a toon they create just to sell my mats so our gold doesn't get mixed up then when I resub we take what they have on that toon and split the gold earned 50/50. Or B find a rich wow player to wholesale everything to at 50% of ah value.

Im almost done presetting my 24 toons so ill be launching this strat pretty soon I might wait till after a war with drops so I can buy the account bank tabs if were allowed to get them. Also lvl 20s are a solid choice as they should be able to fly once a war within drops go gathering will be easy. Hope this helps.
I agree, spending most of my time farming to pay for the next month's token would ruin the game experience for me as well.

Absolutely. Check prices for your realm to see what items are valuable and worth farming.

Some other considerations:
-Turning off experience on a lv 20 does not work. If you sub and log in a lv 20, they will gain up to 10 levels from their banked experience. Thus cannot log in with them after your sub expires.
-It's all about the math. If a token costs 270k, you need to avg. 9k gold per day. If you play 2hrs/day, 4500g per hour or 75g/min. Pretty tall order.
-Farming mats can produce income, but again you have to calculate how much you can farm per hour (actually time it instead of guessing) and how much you can sell without crashing the price significantly or surpassing the actual demand.

WoD garrison has some good items that can be farmed "passively", though not in quantity (2-5 items per month per character):
Coalfist Gronnling
Huge Ogre Cache
Frozen Arms of a Hero
Medallion of the Legion
Void-Shrouded Satchel
You can log a character and use a macro /script ShowGarrisonLandingPage(2) to see current missions available without actually visiting your garrison.
The beauty of doing what I posted above is I can log in whenever I want. And I can sub part time whenever I want so I can calculate my estimated take off of my mats and when I feel its in excess of 2+ wow tokens I sub then I can play current content on my high lvls for a bit while everything is selling. Wash rince repeat stress free none of that I didn't play last Saturday so I have to put in double work today to be able to earn my token ect.

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