Recent content by GotGnome

  1. GotGnome

    How do you like to smoke your weed?

    hashish, from a mighty vaporizor
  2. GotGnome

    SL Gems

    You can now add the cumulative speed and health regen gems as well as almost all enchantments to your builds. happy gearing! note: glorious stats still doesn't work for 10s :(
  3. GotGnome

    XPoff=no free speech unless you agree with the top men

    klaus, why are you still here? every time i see your name on a post i know it'll be nothing but whining like a hangry child :thonk: i genuinely hope your life gets better dawg, seems like you're just angry at the world
  4. GotGnome

    Low Level One Shots EVERYONE in Battlegrounds! (Video)

    love when people complain about the latest gear to obtain when said people probably went and got their bramble king staff or steady talasite or gift wrapped BOEs or ilvl 44 legion gear op artifact weps the list goes on get off your high horses
  5. GotGnome

    10's Dragonflight Basic PvE Guide (REMOVED)

    rip, no mention of rdruid
  6. GotGnome

    What do you use your twink(s) for?

    atm speedrunning, and giving people free boosts
  7. GotGnome

    XP Elimination in BG TRICK UPDATE

    i find it rather ironic that the same community that has used overpowered items that weren't the intention of blizzard (i.e. v-day neck, bramblestaff, steady talasite, ooze trinket, totem trinket, giftwrapped gear, ilvl 54 arti weps) and then bring those items into battlegrounds, view using the...
  8. GotGnome

    XP Elimination in BG TRICK UPDATE

    >Standards no we don't lol
  9. GotGnome


    rdruid also smacks but has 0 aoe, just a really strong moonfire
  10. GotGnome

    10s Armory List

    i personally recommend sticking with agi gear. however, from what I understand mistweaver does more dps(?) as for dying at bosses: throw lifestealing onto your wep and just spam tf out of crane kick!
  11. GotGnome

    10s Armory List

    im not a longstanding member but i've enjoyed playing 10s for a while now, and i don't mind keeping this thread updated
  12. GotGnome

    What you would change/remove from WoW

    the only real change i would make is such: merge xpon and off brackets again
  13. GotGnome

    Game Suggestion Needed

    fallout new vegas
  14. GotGnome

    for flat chaos bolt damage which secondary stat scales the best? crit, mas, or vers?

    for flat chaos bolt damage which secondary stat scales the best? crit, mas, or vers?