Recent content by sevenohseven

  1. sevenohseven

    Preparing for 60 twinking

    you need df account and sl capped account to get the df stuff. best you can do without a df account is 270?ish ilvl stuff from sl raids.
  2. sevenohseven

    better gear for 60's?

    new season soon but not putting any time into toon where it sits for 30+ minutes in que.
  3. sevenohseven

    Twink ready?

    i hope 200 boxes is enough cuz im over grinding
  4. sevenohseven

    379 ilvl Zaralek Caverns greens fixed after 6 months

    not specifically referring to this new method but the last 2 (rep gear and zc bop) all required tons of time to farm. i just hope it gets fixed or theres no point to keep playing the bracket.
  5. sevenohseven

    379 ilvl Zaralek Caverns greens fixed after 6 months

    neat. lets push away everyone from the bracket who has a fucking job and isn’t interested in farming for weeks just to play our capped toons.
  6. sevenohseven

    better gear for 60's?

    i think the players who farned the most pieces have well over 300 kills. certan mobs can respawn all day if you can figure out which ones then find them on different shards. the “bugged” spawn is a different one each day. some days there wasn’t a bugged elite. hope this helps!
  7. sevenohseven

    better gear for 60's?

    cant lock xp at 60 so if you’re going to farm the caverns for drops, which are 1-3% drop rate, i assume the xp debuff has to be used to get minimal xp. most of the 60’s who farmed the caverns during the trial period banked enough xp to ding 70 if/when we upgrade to DF.
  8. sevenohseven

    better gear for 60's?

    yes and no. vs the levelers, synced players and other season 4 geared players:yes. vs the 379 ilvl geared gy farming trash: nope
  9. sevenohseven

    better gear for 60's?

    during the df trial period you have access. same with the df zones.
  10. sevenohseven

    better gear for 60's?

    at least do the df dungeons while you have the option. the drops are 246 i think.
  11. sevenohseven

    better gear for 60's?

    yes yes. youll bank the xp for if/when you buy df. be aware there has already been 2 hotfixes to gear 60’s have gotten from df zones/reputation. these may eventually get fixed also.
  12. sevenohseven

    better gear for 60's?

    use the free df trial period to explore the new zones. by zones i mean the cave and by explore i mean kill silver elites in a farming group for a chance at 379’s(or higher if they upgrade) and maybe a 350 or 2.
  13. sevenohseven

    Is 60s PvP alive?

    no. players who wont exploit for dragon flight gear are leaving in droves. 90% of all the expansion capped players who have been playing the last expansion to stay in xp on ques are rerolling hunters. bgs are just a race to the graveyard and its sad.
  14. sevenohseven

    df gear on sl capped account

    shouldn’t it have been fixed by now? also nobody here breaking it down on how to do it seems a bit sus.
  15. sevenohseven

    experience toggle npcs broken or on purpose?

    my theory is blizz doesn’t want 50 twinks waiting until the xpac comes out for us to level in bgs. they want all the big swinging dicks out of the general population fast as possible. which is fine since everyone is going to be a 60 twink anyways but feels shady AF.