Recent content by toskosa

  1. toskosa

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    I'm just chilling tbh I log in do the daily dungeons/scenarios + quests for them. Do a few quests a day then log off. Spending bronze on transmogs/mounts. My stats are like 60%crit 40% haste 190% mastery and like 60% vers so far with 400+ agility. Its been fun so far.
  2. toskosa

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Hitting lvl 70 felt terrible on remix, every mob in normal mode scenarios has 900k+ hp and hit me for 2/3 of my hp lol. its actually brutal at max lvl. thats why frogs were so popular.
  3. toskosa

    War Within Level 20 Info

    Keep in mind even though ilvl is going up for 20s stats are going down. Just as an example I am using deep fathom ring from WC on live its stats are as follows ilvl 61 7 stam 8 crit 17 vers. On wowheads beta the stats are ilvl 84 6 stam 7 crit 14 vers. From fooling around on the beta/retail...
  4. toskosa

    War Within Level 20 Info

    I am really glad I kept all my socket quest items. hopefully the ilvl changes will impact them like the last one did.
  5. toskosa

    War Within Level 20 Info

    This is one of my favorite parts of an xpac, trying to figure out what things will be like come launch lol. Keep up the good work guys.
  6. toskosa

    cata :O

    cata :O
  7. toskosa

    The Ol level squish

    Based I only have two 25s with gfd flying.
  8. toskosa

    The Ol level squish

    My 49s were reduced to lvl 21 and my 60s to 25 so maybe 23?
  9. toskosa

    Unleashing my inner teen listening to hybrid theory while doing tbc dungeons.

    Unleashing my inner teen listening to hybrid theory while doing tbc dungeons.
  10. toskosa

    Looking for help getting inferno robes on horde pagle.

    Looking for help getting inferno robes on horde pagle.
  11. toskosa

    The fact that fury warriors have no rage spenders until lvl 27 minimum is crazy to me, Idk who...

    The fact that fury warriors have no rage spenders until lvl 27 minimum is crazy to me, Idk who thought this talent tree up rofl. Slam doesnt count it deals less damage then WW which costs no rage.
  12. toskosa

    WoW 20's Atlas Dragonflight

    What do you mean? like the dungeon quest rewards? at lvl 20 they are all ilvl 61 with a potential to upgrade epic. I am unsure if they can proc a socket. Pretty sure ( I could be wrong) they are lower ilvl then ilvl 61. I have had some dungeon blues drop that havent scaled to ilvl 61 but...
  13. toskosa

    The War Within Updates - Warbands

    Wont have to use darkmoon cannon to get to botanica on my 20s now. Also wont have to wait for a belt failure to shoot me into the air so I can goblin glider down on toons without cannon.
  14. toskosa

    I always /cheer with the follower bots.

    I always /cheer with the follower bots.
  15. toskosa

    Current State of Twinking

    You should play what you like, but keep in mind certain specs struggle to solo dungeons for an easier gearing experience.