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  1. shanker

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    saw come chat complaints about scaling in a normal LFD for the kill 3 bosses daily quest, they were coming from a 47, 53, and 62 grouped same server. i was running the dungeon almost to the point of what we have been doing in WOD dungeons, over pulling, not dying, needing near no heals. chat was...
  2. shanker

    F2P 10 and 20 alts MOP remix before it ends

    PTR is one is another, as remix goes on player on live are already complaining and it's been only 3 days. leveling is not as fast as it was touted on PTR which was a shorter period than what we have live knowing blizz at one point they will boost XP and currency again. possibly...
  3. shanker

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    3rd day, finished all 3 zones, been doing dailies each day from the start. my cloak today hit ilvl 220 at 574 stam. all i can do now is dailies from 3 factions, LFDs, rares, mobs the cloak was at 174, i did one more heroic for the day, i saw it did a upgrade, was like WHOA! when i saw the...
  4. shanker

    F2P 10 and 20 alts MOP remix before it ends

    36 slot bags being the first, i doubt blizz will take those away i was thinking about taking one of my 20s and letting it go inactive until remix is done, and see what happens logging months from now. i will not use gear update because more than likely all your bags will be put in the mail...
  5. shanker

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    not sure blizz put a limit based on player level? on 2nd day my cloak hit ilvl 154, stam is at 352
  6. shanker

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    did another 20, did not get another DF mount, and i must have hit 20 doing the quests from the cloud serpent faction which had me thinking the was from them,i was wrong it was from...
  7. shanker

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    was able to do get credit for a scenario quest i had picked up thru the operation shieldwall unlock quest line not sure if there is anything repeatable though
  8. shanker

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    my first 20 (SL vet acct) after doing intro i started flying around, i went to the temple of the jade serpent area near the FP, and started some dailies and the end of those was sent or just went to the Arboretum, i was able to do the intro and daily questlines there, at the end i was able to...
  9. shanker

    Leech is broken on BFA timeline as of todays patch

    the hunter was at 26% leech btw
  10. shanker

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    blizzard did changes to SOO difficulties on WOD prepatch. WOD did not release till one month later, so the changes were in MOP, at that point heroic was made mythic, normal to heroic, flex to normal, etc. i got into a group at 550+ as a tank, my BOA was labeled heroic (still is today). i did...
  11. shanker

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    GF'd BOAs can be acquired during MOP remix and will add to your retail WOW BOAs. unsubbed and F2P can play the remix up to 20. it may be worthwhile to create a separate paid account attached to your Bnet account for this event to earn these which would show on your F2P account also see post...
  12. shanker

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Wowhead shows these released at 5.4 patch, for some reason do not remember these being available at the start of the near 14 month SOO and TI content drought of MOP. at first i believe you could only get them on heroic and mythic later normal was added. there was a item level difference based...
  13. shanker

    Leech is broken on BFA timeline as of todays patch

    i was on a 54-61 geared player that was able to kill all the rares at mechagon after the leech buff. today noticed HP plummeting and died twice on a rare i was having no issues on. was forced to finish a armory to get a volatile blaster weapon. that player was on SL time just tried a 20 hunter...
  14. shanker

    F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    i did the VE creation and wave which gave credit. as i was looking around using the flight portals i noticed players of other races and factions there. they seem to be doing or collecting something. i see them gaining blue black flame splash animation and losing it along with going point to point.
  15. shanker

    Leech is broken on BFA timeline as of todays patch

    must be certain combos that affect leech, on another player (20) in SL on WOD time, i was only getting 5-7 leech heals in open world appears poster Hera was getting huge leech in WOD dungeons doing BFA time add on i just tested a BFA time player (20) with only 3% leech in a WOD dungeon that...
  16. shanker

    Leech is broken on BFA timeline as of todays patch

    in WOD time at Mechagon isle on a 20 hunter with +leech pet and +4 leech on one item, getting leech procs in 50 range and overheaks in 500 to 1680 in single target fights. the 1680 overheal do not show as a crit qued WOD dungeon and leech heals were 6-7 with a occasion 10-16
  17. shanker

    Preparing for 60 twinking

    60 is a thing now because the base game is SL capped, if blizz follows past actions seems like DF will be the next cap making 70s the next thing. right now they have DF gear being boosted (awakened) like it was near end of SL (phated) they will more than likely wipe DF PVP gear on WW prepatch...
  18. shanker

    War Within Level 20 Info

    sadly this is somewhat how it was back when tmogs rolled in CATA, i could take a plate class and equip and learn any type of armor, with a hunter everything but plate, druid anything but plate and mail. i lost a ton of tmogs because i wasn't subbed or playing on a certain patch/expac launch...
  19. shanker

    War Within Level 20 Info

    Any non-soulbound item can go into the Warband Bank? this sorta goes against what IH said at blizzcon, when i run old raids with like a DK, i get alot of epic gear for other classes i have. they are soulbound when they drop. IH explained it as being able to put those unuseable items into...
  20. shanker

    Looking for old lvl 74 enhance reference

    you read wrong, none of what i said on reverse scaling occurred in CATA. in MOP there were no twink BGs in the 75-79 bracket other than leveling BGs at the start of MOP, them main game was BC capped, then at a point near half way thru MOP blizzard added WOTLK to the base game and opened CATA...