Search results

  1. shanker

    F2P 10 and 20 alts MOP remix before it ends

    36 slot bags being the first, i doubt blizz will take those away i was thinking about taking one of my 20s and letting it go inactive until remix is done, and see what happens logging months from now. i will not use gear update because more than likely all your bags will be put in the mail...
  2. shanker

    F2P reagent bags for those who missed out on DF prepatch event

    stumbled across this doing a quest dungeon is 15+ on another player today i did a WC run and got a it was inside a...
  3. shanker

    love in air mount?

    i hit 280 love tokens today, can 20's learn this mount? it which shows requires level 45 to use
  4. shanker

    WOTLK WOW tokens, a interesting convo in retail WOW trade chat

    there was a trade chat going on concerning WOTLK classic farming to play retail WOW, some of the things covered - WOTLK 10X++ easier to get gold for the amount of a WOTLK token believe they are in 7Kg range - when you use the token you get same options as retail, game time or gold (only in...
  5. shanker

    discovery in Mechagon today, may also assist enchanters for BFA mats?

    i have been doing loops in mechagon at random on some vet10's/20s to build up vendor items from chests. when i unlocked the zone and was also doing some quests, at one point unlocked a tinker recipe. this recipe makes a item, which you use to open. inside can be either a trinket or ring (both...
  6. shanker

    WOW token went over 400K gold on NA

    was stumbling around youtube last night, was surprized to see token had went over 400K gold on NA servers, huge jump from when i remember last October seeing it at 137K gold, one month before the prepatch for DF
  7. shanker

    took two months, got two lvl-10 DHs out of starter zone

    using the gear update killed crithto to get gold to turn off XP on alliance DH horde i will have to use DMF intro quest tomorrow that gives 5 tickets, exchange those for darkmoon boxes (2g 50s vend price) and turn off XP. cool thing on the DHs they have 100% mount speed at 10, and have four...
  8. shanker

    Tuskan boat tour to gain access to zones and FPs

    today i was at Mechagon, i decided to get the whitegrove chapel and anyport FPs in drustvar. when i saw a tuskarr turtle boat like in WOTLK. i went up to it and was able to get on it. i had no idea why it was there, i went thru various zones and was dumped at the goblin city GY in azshara. had...
  9. shanker

    Mechagon is now available

    original post edited 27 Jan 2024 blizzard added skip was made on 10.1.7 so players who did not do BFA or skipped alot of BFA can jump right in and do the Mechagon unlock. 1. you need a level 40+ player 2. you do the basic BFA main city intro that enables your portal room 3. a NPC near the main...
  10. shanker

    Oribos portal now requires level 48 to use

    have a level 10, did the SL intro have two quests in Bastion in my quest log, the blizzard quest helper system tells me to use portal in path finders den (org) to Oribos. portal says requires level 48. not sure how recent this change is, i have used this portal before
  11. shanker

    mechagon scaled to 30 even unphased two mounts should be farmable at 20

    recently in Voldun i used players 20 and lower to farm a mount, most spots required no killing, however in some areas to check for the elusive quickhoof i used level 20 hunters, Voldun mobs were level 30 which my hunters were able to kill if i got aggro'd and get loot. If mechagon is now mob...
  12. shanker

    why not F2P19, Vet19, retail 19, a fairer bracket

    with XPoff as a option now for F2P, curious why this has not been considered. there would not be a huge disparity between 19's as there is in 20-29 with 29s having 4/5 more talent points, +5% stat boost at 27, along with other key abilities gained from 21-29 20-29 is near back to what is was...
  13. shanker

    loot Goblin event schedule

    there will be a marker in SW and ORG where the goblin will port in. appears at the hour, spots are random. goblin can be attacked about 4 minutes after it appears each player can attack for loot once a day, so far i got a 36 slot bag and 2 tmogs along with a perma passive buff item that...
  14. shanker

    various free time gifts check via bnet

    seems there are various free time offers based on the status of your account. this time they are not auto turning it on unsubbed SL account there is a 3 day free gift with a time use window paid SL account but not DF upgraded supposedly there is close to 1 month free with some starter DF...
  15. shanker

    Patch 10.1 nerfing leech 25%

    Leech rating now gives 25% less Leech stat. Developers’ note: Leech is proving to be a very strong sustain stat in Dragonflight. To keep it at an appropriate level of power, and avoid marginalizing the importance of the Healer role to a group’s survival, we are reducing the value of Leech...
  16. shanker

    major patch and blizzard did not fix the enchants, still gated

    title says it
  17. shanker

    if you never did Legion intro

    i have a player that is set to WOD time already had a garrison, at the checking various mission boards i was able to pick up WOD dark portal quest incase farming the rejuv pots still work i was also able to pick the the legion intro quest...
  18. shanker

    ultra stinky secret sneeky blizzard 66% nerf to broker's angler

    blizzard lowered the price of it near end of SL into the 24g range. prior to DF doubled it to 51g, this past tuesday removed +10 fishing skill, it now shows +5 fishing skill same as a vendor white. now you know why stuff in expacs that needs fixed rides for 1-2 years. yet takes DEV time to jerk...
  19. shanker

    CATA PVP gems are now useable

    from ORG and SW pvp vendors, since the gear we have now is above i-lvl 36 this really helps F2P with gems, not wanting to JC, for 20's the +6 gems are +3 and the +3/3 gems are +2/2
  20. shanker

    Huge item level gear swings

    Primal invasion event is dropping ilvl 25 gear, you can equip yet cannot tmog says req lvl 48. makes me believe this event was canned from a previous expac, put on file. imo the tmogs style and fit BFA as if it was to be a prepatch BFA event dungeon quests are showing i-lvl 61 rewards regular...