Search results

  1. norcal313

    49 Gear Info?

    Other than the artifact weapon and the epic drops from the old world bosses, what's considered BiS now? BfA greens with tertiary and sockets? Got an old paladin that has some of the epics from world bosses but only a couple proc'd tertiary stats or sockets.
  2. norcal313

    EU+US Old Leg Enchants

    Are any of them still worth using? Such as Death's Embrace? Checked out the enchant spreadsheet and didn't find any info on the old enchants.
  3. norcal313

    US WTS Epic level 20 Boulder Pads

    Aerie Peak, Horde
  4. norcal313

    US GF'd Leather Engineering Helm(s)

    I was recently prompted to make my own thread by a fellow xpoff member in regards to some of the rare quality leather engineering helms I got on Sargeras [A]. Stats are 35 Agi 53 Stam and the following secondary combinations: 47 Crit / 70 Haste. 74 Crit / 44 Haste. SOLD 64 Crit / 54 Vers. 47...
  5. norcal313

    US delete plz

    Disregard, no longer need runs!
  6. norcal313

    EU+US 99 DH still possible?

    I tried making a 99 DH last night, failed miserably. I hit 100 before even getting out of the opening zone. If I recall correctly, I was able to make a 99 DH back in Legion... I'm assuming they increased xp on all the quests?
  7. norcal313

    US Nether Disruptor US Region

    Hey guys, just wanted to remind you that the Nether Disruptor has completed construction and the repeatable quest to get your free Seal of Broken Fate is up. I know I've forgotten about this and missed out before so I figure I'd help those of you who are like me. Cheers!
  8. norcal313

    US 109 Timewalking Groups?

    Each timewalking event presents the opportunity for those of us with 109 BG twinks to get some 815 gear for those hard to fill armor slots. That being said, I have ran roughly 30 dungeons now with nary a single 815 warforged drop for the slots I need. I'd love to queue with other 109 twinks...
  9. norcal313

    EU+US 101 Follower Missions

    Has anyone figured out which method is best for AP? For the AP reward missions, do you send out a single follower with purchasable troops or do you send both followers together with one set of troops? I've always assumed that if I send both followers with troops (and sometimes the bonus item...
  10. norcal313

    US WTS 99 Mavanah's Shifting Wristguards + socket

    Currently on Alliance side, Aerie Peak US. PM me.
  11. norcal313

    EU+US Broken Shores Rare Spawns

    I occasionally kill the rare spawns in the broken shores on my 101s and I almost never get any loot from them. When I say loot, I mean the loot they drop for 110s. Items that include artifact power, sentinax beacons, netherchunks, legionfall war supplies, and the occasional legendary. One...
  12. norcal313

    US Rare item valuation.

    Hey guys, got a question for those of you who follow the auction house. There are a few items I'm looking for and I've had people who farm the stuff ask me what I'd be willing to pay for said items. How much should I offer for an 875-880 Athrog's Dethhamma? How about an 885-890 Eyasu's...
  13. norcal313

    EU+US 101 BoE additional proc trends?

    I watch the AH regularly and I've noticed odd trends. I think it's safe to say something that procs 870+ is pretty rare, but what I've noticed is strange tertiary/socket procs that show up at the same time. In other words, I'm suggesting there may be time frames or specific settings...
  14. norcal313

    US BoE for Sale or Trade sticky?

    I've seen people post rare items for sale on here and I got to thinking maybe we could have a list of items each person has to sell/trade. A second section could be for people looking for specific items including prices they'd be willing to pay for said item (and if they are willing to server...
  15. norcal313

    EU+US Possible To Reroll Artifact?

    Long story short, I have two 101 DKs. Both are frost, but my horde still has his legendary ring. I haven't touched the UD DK much at all, he's sitting at about 770-ilvl. My idea is to finish gearing the UD as frost and switch my human to blood, or even UH. My question to you guys is has...
  16. norcal313

    US What Server Are You On?

    I'm curious as to where the majority of 101 twinks play. From what I've gathered so far I've seen a couple Horde and Alliance guilds post here, but it seems like the rest of us are spread thinly all over. On a side note I'm starting to run into a wall while gearing my DK and amassing armor for...