Search results

  1. Sponsor

    Level 10 Rogue Twink Guide [Cataclysm Classic]

    Good morning all, it's been a while since I've written a guide and it feels good to be back at it! This will most likely start off as a Best-in-Slot (BIS) list for level 10 Rogues and get updated gradually into a full complete guide including spec, talent, macros, abilities, and races later on...
  2. Sponsor

    Cataclysm Classic Confirmed Survey for refining Classic Cataclysm were sent out to some players yesterday, basically confirming the continuity of expansions. Wotlkc isn't even released and they're already putting a bad...
  3. Sponsor

    Monk Twink Level 10

    In hopes to reduce clutter on the Discord and this subsection, I'm going to attempt to create a thread that might hit our bad search engine search queries. Here is where to go look for BiS list for level 10 monk twink whether it be level 10 MW or BM level 10 monk twink...
  4. Sponsor

    Most Fun Achievement Completed?

    Good morning fellow achievement hunters! I'm posting this in the 10 section as I know we have a lot of twinks that are achievement enthusiasts, but dont be shy 1s, trials and 20s! The large majority of our achievement hunting comes from either piggy riding on the back of a 2-person flying...
  5. Sponsor

    Classic 19 Twink Demographic

    Wrath Classic was just confirmed today. Release date set 2022, soon tm. Obviously, a lot of us are going to gravitate towards Wrath on our 19s. With all these new Classic expansions, I feel like we lose a few to the previous iterations every release. Hopefully come Wrath, the community wont be...
  6. Sponsor

    19s still Active?

    Has there been any activity on Classic era servers in the 19 bracket? Wondering if it's worth copying my 19 over to classic. I've read TBC kinda dead for 19 twinks.
  7. Sponsor

    Sponsor Stepping Down as Mod

    Without divulging too many details of this forums exciting future, I am going to take the upcoming changes as an opportunity to step down. I have been toying with this idea for quite some time now, I just never saw an appropriate time to do it. As many have probably noticed, my presence on the...
  8. Sponsor

    Classic 60 "Twinks"

    Classic servers completely died off during TBC launch. Now that it has been out for over a month, has there been any interest in classic era level 60 "twinks"? Are there any players that still actively play their 60s? If so, is there a realm where there is a persisting community? I'd love to...
  9. Sponsor

    WTS Freezing Band iLvl 27 [US]

    Selling Freezing Band on Velen/Eonar + connected realms on Alliance. PM offers
  10. Sponsor

    Legion Epic BOE Req lvl 7 Minimum

    I did get an "upgrade" as it gave tertiary stats, so maybe a regular boe would be lower? For now... Rip the lvl 1/5 six feather trink dream :(
  11. Sponsor

    EU+US Looking For Lost Thread - Level 1 Healer

    Good morning guys. Been digging around the archives and old posts, but I have come out empty handed. I am in search of the genius concept a level 1 twink had come up with to create a level 1 healer with warrior and paladins. I forget what the build was and was hoping to read their guide again...
  12. Sponsor

    EU+US Are You Guys Leveling to 10 SL?

    This is mostly directed to current level 10 twinks on BFA. With Shadowlands pre-patch just around the corner, the level squish is soon upon us. Over the last few weeks, I've spent a lot of time talking with other 10s about whether they'd be going back to 10 or staying level 5. In case you were...
  13. Sponsor

    US Join the 1-10 Community [A]!

    Come join us in the new community group for 1 to 10 twinks on Alliance! This group will allow you to network with other like-minded twinks, share findings, talk achievements and much more! 1 - 10 Community
  14. Sponsor

    US Sponsor's Legacy - The Level 10 Twink

    Incoming brick of text. This feels more like a post that would belong to our old, now non-existent, Blog section than a regular forum post, but indulge me if you would. I think everyone should take a solid minute going through their old screenies and see what joy and stories this game has...
  15. Sponsor

    FAQ Used TCG Codes and Classic WoW

    Driving today I had an interesting thought come to mind about the Classic WoW release and potential loop holes. Has there been any information divulged about the state of the Trading Card Game rewards traded at Booty Bay? Was even TCG loot codes a thing back in Classic? Finally for the...
  16. Sponsor

    Easy Laughing Skull Masks This Week

    Going to make this short and sweet. Warlords of Draenor Timewalking event until June 4th. costs 50 badges. Masks purchased from Requires level 101+ to queue up for the...
  17. Sponsor

    US WTB Skullflame Shield (scaled level 8)

    WTB Skullflame Shield scaled to required level 8. Any US server, any faction. Can pay with wow-tokens. DM me or leave a post below!
  18. Sponsor

    Mordhau (AKA Chivalry 2)

    No idea if anyone here is a die hard fan for medieval games, but I had been following Mordhau's development during the beginning of its projects in early 2016. I find this genre brings such raw and savage gameplay, making fights very interesting. You find out very quickly that earning your...
  19. Sponsor

    Paramedic & XpOff Moderator AMA

    Hey guys! I'm a paramedic in the province of Quebec, Canada. Been playing much less games these past few years. But I'm always surveying you rascals on here between calls. Thought I'd make a thread about demystifying the profession, since not many people know what it is to be a paramedic...
  20. Sponsor

    We Missed A Great Opportunity...

    It would be an understatement if I did not say how disappointed I was/am in entire community. Instead of taking the influx of over 20,000 viewers as an advantage to show how great the twinking community is and how helpful this website can be, our rotten apples stood out like true shining...