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  1. F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    @Brihan do it again plzHeyGuys
  2. Need help for a Quest

    i think its either fixed or the dmg is toned down a lot, i was able to do the maldraxxus quest today
  3. Need help for a Quest

    yeah, i’m like 90% with the trash mobs, but i’m really scared to pull the boss… i killed it on foot (it was so boring i almost died…), but it didn’t give credit towards the quest.
  4. Need help for a Quest

    The Maldraxxus leveling quest ‘In the Flesh’ is also bugged, you can’t complete it, i just submitted a bug report, but seeing how Vahys’ report was handled, i don’t want to get my hopes up…
  5. F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    can confirm feb-apr as f2p
  6. F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    kinda, i collected 1400 so far, and i didn't get any in january, and got 300 in March, which seems reasonable checking Conzil's log (which says you could only get 300 tendies without being vet or having p2p assistance).
  7. How to hit high level mobs ?

    i don’t know how it is nowadays, some time ago there was a bug that hunter pets hit% was unaffected by lvl difference. idk if that’s still the case, but i’d try that. also, i was doing exploring the other day on my resto sham, and i could easily take on 2-3 lvl 30 mobs in stormsong valley and...
  8. Mists of Pandaria Remix

    i see, thanks i just skimmed through the wowhead list, and just did a quick calculation, only like 50 items have 0 or below 20 lvl req, and the sum price is around 500k-550k if my math is right. e.g. all transmog is shown currently lvl 70 req, and many mounts are lvl 35+, is that because these...
  9. Mists of Pandaria Remix

    where does that ~14k bronze per day farming stand on a scale from casual to legion intro farming?
  10. F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    and maybe the volunteer guard stuff that’s on sunday
  11. WoW 20's Atlas Dragonflight

    actually if it has not changed in a recent patch, gemslots can only proc on head, neck, wrist, belt and ring gearslot items, if i’m not mistaken
  12. F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    give bunny ears to an arena or bg opponent doesnt work
  13. F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    for noblegarden, the dailies task and the duck storyline works, the collect eggs, the place eggs and the defeat swiftplume does not (i placed one intricately painted one in new dalaran, might need further testing) I still need to check the spring flowers in bg. rest is - ithink - out of reach...
  14. F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    its literally in the very first post here bruh
  15. F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    probably because there are no tasks currently that award credit to f2ps/vets (disclaimer: i have not actually checked, but i think all activities that you could get credit for this month are event-related)
  16. Torturing Poker

    damn, AI is getting better by the day
  17. Getting Hidden Art appearances as F2P

    resto needs exalted with a legion faction (maybe wardens or valarjar?), feral looks doable, but no has ever confirmed it. The only hidden artifact appearances i’ve personally seen is resto sham, arms war and tank dk (and i don’t play clothies, so they might be able to unlock it). edit...
  18. F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    i have completed the event every time today since 9 AM, and only received credit for 1 (ONE) kill. I tried several chromies, used characters on obscure realms to eliminate lag, etc, nothing helps, so I really hope blizz will send that hotfix asap, because I have everything except the pet, so i'm...
  19. F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    i did one in WoD timeline and counted, will try present timeline next. Also, I've not seen it anywhere communicated, but ingame calendar says now that the event ends on the 22nd (next Friday), so we have time to get all 15 kills counted.
  20. F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    same here, i think i'm at 6 kills so far, 0 credit :(