Search results

  1. RIP Bonedust Brew

    The days of 1 shotting bosses at plagefall are over it seems bonedust brew has been reworked. It still packs a punch but not a 1 shot anymore. :(
  2. is this website broken?

    Every time I go to xp off now it auto zooms out hella far. Like I have to manually zoom in to read anything. Its like on browser im viewing a mobile version of this website. Is this just me or is this websites format fucked for everyone on browser? just ignore this post i had personal...
  3. What is the best races for casters? (retail/10s)

    Im pre making toons so I can stop subbing and im not sure what to pick for casters. Im unsure what there lacking in or what would be the most convenient. So what do you guys think of my choices below ? Right choices or wrong choices? Mage : Alliance] Void Elf? (casting racial)...
  4. How do I go about creating a lvl 10 Death Knight?

    So my first question is do I go with allied race or non allied race? Second question is should I gear update if it is allied race? ( after picking up 1 quest then not abandoning it when I do gear update) Ive noticed if you have zero exp the mobs have less hp compared to even 1% exp. But im...
  5. What skips/account unlocks can be unlocked on f2p and what requires a sub?

    What skips/account unlocks can be unlocked on f2p and what requires a sub? I have a friend thats never played wow and is reluctant because of the paid sub. So i was thinking id have him try it fp2 first and work on skips and account unlocks thats obtainable f2p first. Then when he has all of...
  6. How does subbing affect raf summoning on a f2p account to a connected subbed account?

    How does subbing affect raf summoning on a f2p account to a connected subbed account? I briefly remember someone I was in a run with mentioning something about if you connect a f2p account to your main subbed account that you cant sub the f2p account ever or you will lose the ability to summon...
  7. Pregaming A War Within Cross-Faction/Cross-Realm 10s Guild

    When a war within drops cross realm and cross faction guilds will be a reality so lets pre game it now. I currently have my own 10s only guild on Bonechewer. I am very much interested in the idea of turning my guild into a mega cross faction cross realm 10s guild. Then we could schedule multiple...
  8. LvL 10 Twink Gnomish Engineering vs Goblin Engineering

    Which is better for a lvl 10 and why?
  9. new toon vs equipment manager

    Just curious how many of you out there would prefer to make a new toon of the same class just of a different spec vs having just 1 toon and using the equipment manager possibly with the use of jeeves to make the swaps easy with easy bank access. What are the pros and cons? Just generally curious...
  10. Gems for 10s on retail

    The higher number primary stat gems are unique equipped so you can have 1 of each name (not type but name). Same thing with the nightmare tear and speed gems. The multiple stat gems however are not unique equipped. So if you have sockets you can add them as much as you want. The 3 3 multi stat...
  11. How am I teleporting outside of dungeons in different expacs?

    What is the trick to useing cromie time from say orgimmar queing draenor then ending up outside of a draenor dungeon? Id very much like to learn this mechanic to be able to teleport to other expacs. Ive done it on accident but not sure whats happening that causes this. Any help is appreciated...
  12. This is why I think some ppl hate twinks.

    Ive ben noticing a lot more twinks pubbing in cromie time recently. Now this in itself is not a bad thing. Typically the ppl pubbing in cromie time take the time to clear the trash so the randoms can keep up and make it to the end of the dungeons. So the randoms gain exp and gear and actually...
  13. Brewfest boss drop ilvl 41 for lvl 10s

    My friend just ran the event dungeon on his lvl 10 dh and got a direbrew's bloodied shanker to drop at ilvl 41 from the green daily keg bag drop. Do you guys think it would be good on a rogue ? Like if I made a toon mailed my toon 10 gold turned exp off then ran the dungeon and if i did not get...
  14. What blizzard account wide unlocks do you use with your twinks?

    There are no wrong answers. Anything you think is neat and fun or maybe makes your life easier as a twink. These can be things unlocked on a subbed account thats not unlockable with a twink. Or something you unlocked with your twink (bonus cool points here). The only parameter is they must be...
  15. cromie time que then leave party macro

    I had someone tell me about a macro the other day in a cromie time run and he posted a macro in chat. He claimed a twink could party with someone the twink wanted to level rush. Then the twink and the person being rushed would que for a cromie time dungeon. When the que poped everyone was...
  16. is it possible to make a lvl 10 demon hunter with exp off?

    Is it possible to make a lvl 10 demon hunter with exp off? I just heard about some sort of upgrade feature for toons that have not logged in for 60 days. Allegedly this feature when used it teleports your character to your main faction city. Apparently even if it was left in a starting zone . I...
  17. iso help in developing a profession juggling path for lvl 10s

    the goal of this is to prevent mistakes from being made and just generally a path to follow so you can ideally pick up a profession 1 time per expac i am figuring this out a i go and am unsure of all profession barriers that require other professions first (example i dont know what is needed...
  18. should i draenor time for non draenor drops?

    should i draenor time for non draenor drops? i found this and i now have questions lol "Sockets can be located on every piece of armor; however, each expansion has a different set of armor pieces that can have sockets. Depending on the source, from World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor...
  19. why is my ui not saving on secondary account????

    ok so i got my wow1 account suspended for 10 days for a chat violation so i thought ok now would be a great time to make a second wow account so i got on the internet browser loaded up battlenet went in and created a wow2 account so now i have a free to play account that has never subbed to my...
  20. can i transmog?

    so i really really want the tmog set from tombs of segaras mythic raid on my lvl 10 exp off monk i tried to buy the pvp recolor set with marks of honor and i cant because its a lvl 45 requirement to buy just like the raid is to enter so im currently grinding a toon up to be able to run the...