
  1. Mattens

    What is the best 60s twink?

    Not buying Dragonflight, prob never will :) What's the best 60 twink? (In your opinion) Including fun, power and fantasy. Love yall <3
  2. Lf 49,60,70,80 & 85 twinks for Pve/Pvp

    Active player looking for people who still have some enthusiasm in these brackets. I'm down for any world pvp, bgs, raids, dungeon rep and tmog farming. My guild is: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/guild/jubeithos/Prune_Brothers/ Every character in there is mine I also have an 80 orc sham (Poppopbam...
  3. Wyrhan

    EU [EU] 60 tinkering @Ravencrest (Horde & Alliance)

    60 Twinking @Ravencrest (For some reason I can't type "Twi nk" and instead becomes "tinkering" Intro I have finally decided to take care of the current problem of 60 twinking (at least try). We've had so many discussions about what to do and what is the actual problem but none really did...