Old Raid procs (WF, tert, sock)


I have not seen a proc in a raid drop in a couple of months (classic-SL) - no sockets, terts or WF. Only thing I have seen is thunderforge thunderforge in ToT. Legion used to proc all the time. The only raid proc I have seen is on a 70.

So am I unlucky, not looking in the right place? What gives? I have tired on a 30, 40, 45, 50 and 60.

Do any old raids proc anything now?
[doublepost=1674573408,1674527170][/doublepost]I can't be the only person curious about this, a niche of one on a niche of a few? (I guess it is possible) In the levels and xpacs mentioned above, for the levels mentioned heroic and mythic dungeons proc stuff - but not raids it seems. I assume this happened DF pre-patch, if my observations are correct and nothing procs, except ToT thunderforge. Such an odd thing to disable considering sockets and tertiaries proc in 70 raids. Not like they just turned off all raid proccing.

Anyway, if someone knows for sure, as in it was in a patch note I missed please say so I can stop thinking it is just terrible RNG. AND, if you have seen a proc, please advise. Considering all the other stuff they left enabled to proc something it seems odd to disable old raids. (Unless I wanted to don a tin-foil hat and assume it is some sort of thwarting of TW gear farming - but that seems ridiculous considering scaling, lots of other stuff can work for that purpose)
I assume, since raid gear isn't within the Scaled Ilvl System that all normal difficulty dungeons are(chromie time), that raid gear will not socket/tert. Since raids cannot be entered while in chromie time I assume this means they are not connected at all. They only share in common the fact that their ilvl was increased in DF.
Solid assumption. The only hiccup is that heroic and mythic dungeons below DF still proc, WF, socks and tert, seen it all recently. So it likely has nothing to do with chrome time scaling, I assume they turned it off in raids below DF, for some reason, not listed in patch notes (I have found). Hoping I am wrong because I had an experiment I wanted to run.

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