Pvp Ques


New Member
Hello, just created a pvp twink hoping to relive the nostalgia and I decided on lvl 36 for the MOP sets but Ive been queing for bgs and arenas all afternoon during primetime EST and I haven't gotten a single que. Is this normal? Is there a certain time I should be queing to try and get games or am I SOL and the 35-39 bracket is just dead? If so is there another level bracket that seeing more players?

Thanks for taking the time to read :)
to expound on "mostly dead":

-exp on and off people are put in different non-overlapping buckets for que pops.
- lvl20 exp on and no sub get put in with exp off
- lvl60 exp on and no df get put in with exp on

nothing is in a great state right now. the last big thing was 20s during shadowlands but they took that horse out back and shot it after poisoning it several times didn't work.
a sub-critical mass of people can be found doing retail 10/11s, 20s, 29s (same bracket as 20s), 60s and i think wrath 19s. each has their own varied reasons i won't go into that make them currently unappealing. it's not impossible to have fun, but it's rather unlikely to have lots of group fun.
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