Affliction Lock SP / Haste Hybrid - Would this work?

youd go all out haste, with boa cape, and hat, agm and haste trink, 10haste to gloves, and the 3 haste darkmoon chest, and 22 int to wep
I dunno.

I think combo Sp/Haste/Hp would work better. Remember you're a clothie, against most class if you can't burn them, you'll be dead before them.

100 health to chest

9 stam to bracers

minor to feet

10 haste to gloves

22 int to wep

1 stam 1 int 1 crit legs

etc etc
That. Cause max haste set, will probably set you under 800Hp, which, against any Dps, will be a joke.
I would go double agm over the haste trinket.
and pvp boa shoulders.
You should peak 1.2k with rum
Ehh I'd take one agm as 120 health is like a crit, and 3 haste from the trink is like 8% haste
I'd think Worgen or if you had to be horde-Goblin.
the racial speed boost options are highly valued by DoT classes where you can scamper out of combat to full heal then turn around to rinse the next guy
clothies that can't close the distance to a hunter are goners

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