Confirmed; trials can not get realm transfers.

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Not to sound like an azzwhole but, Dr. OP, did we ever think one could possibility do this?
I cried.
The funny thing is you can get free realm transfers, when they're offered. I have personally confirmed this. You just can't buy anything from Blizz without upgrading. I think they'd be better off just taking your money any way you're prepared to give it to them, but Blizz have made their decision on this one.
Oh my god, drop it already. It was a just a metaphor. I don't give two shits aobut what a bunch of bible thumpers think about the shape of the Earth.

lol, who's the real ignorant person here? l0l

yeah, I'm sorry but people like you actually believe all Christians are blind to science and ignore the facts of the universe.

we actually do research, we don't blindly believe what we're told, unlike you in your unranked public school.
First off, I never said anything about your religion. Secondly, stop victimizing your self and acting like I actually give a fuck about your religion, because I don't. And lastly, I went to highly esteemed Private Charter school. The head of NASA spoke at my classes graduation. You're the ignorant one here. Thou shalt not judge? Yet all you seem to be doing is dishing out your ridiculous opinions and judging others whom you know absolutely nothing about. I pity people like you, so brainwashed by the religion machine. Maybe one day you can open your eyes to the real world and stop living for a pipe dream, made up in a fairy tail 2000 years ago. Get real, man.
>implying you aren't wasting your life away playing a silly game
>implying your parents are proud you waste hours away playing this game
>implying you aren't a social outcast
>implying i didn't rustle your jimmys
>implying you havent wasted over 150 days of your life in total game time to this game

nice try, but maybe you should actually try to your so called refined education instead of playing this "game" which you seem to have devoted so much of your time to.

also, your opinions are based on a bias hatred to begin with; so anything i said went in one ear and out the other.


>playing a clearly overly religious bigoted class
Earl, whatever you say will go in one ear and out the other.

Naby, congratulations on taking the time to look up Earl's playing time, if that's what you did. It's a great argument for partaking in refined education instead of playing this "game". (Why "game"? Is there a secret component to this "game", where it's not actually a game, but a tool of the established ruling classes to sedate the people and distract then from issues like social inequality, and satisfy them with the reward of an imaginary magically better second life? No, sorry, I think I must be thinking of something different there.)

I conclude:
People critical of Christianity should not play paladins.
People critical of any religion should not play priests.
People not conforming to a shamanistc religion should not play shamans.

In fact, because we are all humans we should all play humans. There should be no other races, and certainly no Horde. That would make it a World of Peacecraft!
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The flat Earth theory had nothing to do with religion, it was just commonly thought to be flat. It's not like anyone had ever actually fallen off, or that anyone was actively suppressing round Earth theory. The Earth revolving around the Sun on other hand, and the Earth being the center of the universe were Christian beliefs and contrary opinions were punished quite severely. The Catholic church later acknowledged their mistake. Also, it's "Judge not, lest ye be judged." There is no commandment or mention of thou shalt not judge, only that if you do, don't be surprised if you are judged yourself in return.
Just stop making a fool out of yourself. You attack me for playing WoW? You're on a WoW forum, spewing your gospel, acting high and mighty when you've done nothing but derail your own pointless thread with an irrelevant tangent based off of your own ridiculous misinterpretation of a simple metaphor. Honestly, just grow up and leave me alone.
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