What is the Best 2v Arena Combos for 70 Arenas


I'm leaning towards shadow priest duel speccing holy. (holy is more viable in BGs than disc at 85, but I might go with disc depending how it plays). My partner has an 85 shammy, and I don't think he wants to level another one, and hates his rogue. But still it would be good to have the list of the most viable classes. Can you also list the class and spec most complimentary to a sp, aside from shammy or rogue. And why in the world isn't a thread like this sticked for 2v, 3v, and 5v...


What are the off peak & peak Queueueueueueueueueueueueueueue times for

1. 2v Arenas
2. BGs
Disc/Frost Mage
Rshaman/Prot Pally
Holy Pally/Blood Dk http://www.youtube.com/user/BCGamingProduction if you want to see my own videos of that comp. I also do other comps with my pally for 3's
Frost Mage/Shadow Priest
Frost Mage/Rogue
Holy Pally/Shadow Priest
if you want to be fags you can do disc/holy pally
boomkin/Holy Pally
Ele Sham/Holy Pally
there are more but i'll list those

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