Offering item transferring service

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I am offering a service in which I transfer your BoE item(s) to another realm for the cost of $20 (you can try to haggle if you'd like). Why should you use this service? Simply because it saves you a few dollars and you don't have to level a character to level 10 in the situations where you have the item on a level 1 toon.

This is 100% legit and the time taken will depend on how long Blizzard takes to process the transfer. This is ideal in situations where you've purchased an item from someone and need it transferred to your realm.

How it will happen:

You message me on TI with the details and we meet up in-game. The item(s) must then be traded to me and I will go ahead and get it transferred. Once the item reaches to the desired realm, you pay me via PayPal and then receive your item(s).

As I have stated, this is 100% legit. I am very trustworthy and well-known so you don't have to worry about being scammed.
Do you trade Blizzard mangos for cheap xfers or something?
Probably putting the wrong billing information in so the charge gets kicked back in a couple days.

No. I've already revealed my methods to a few people who I trust. It's perfectly legit, no going around the loop.
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Have had a couple customers already...this service will soon be ending so hurry up and take advantage of it while you can!
Is there a limit on the amount of items you will transfer for us?
I have had quite a bit of customers and like I said before, it would come to an end. And so it has, unfortunately.
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