Double Arms Warrior and Crusader Swapping Should Be Allowed In the Twink Cup!

It was 5 games not 1, I just picked the last one because it was the most relevant, and therefore I happened to pick the game in which I missed two shears. Shit happens, the amount of time that I play a class with kick compared to mistweaver is very little.

1. You obviously can't watch buffs in a video and are just grasping for an excuse for the double arms warrior team to lose. 4:21 - Lucas has a crusader proc. 4:27 - He reprocs crusader.
Wait a minute. The one defending the double arms warrior team is complaining that the single arms warrior team got luckier procs than the double arms warrior team?? THEY WERE QUEING DOUBLE ARMS WARRIOR!!! IN 3s! It shouldn't have mattered how many crusader procs that they got, all that they had to do was SIT ON THE TWO THOUSAND HEALTH ENHANCE SHAMAN! Is our arms warrior just not supposed to use crusader when they are using crusader, just to increase our chance of losing? Yeah I missed a kick, of course it was my only shear considering after that our entire team was eating two rends to the face for a large majority of the match, and I was offhealing like crazy. Im not rank 1 at shearing, and I don't pretend to be.

1. It was an off-comment joke before the match started about testing things for twinkcup lmao, if that was actually taken seriously then I apologize to you.

I did absolutely nothing to help my team win. Lmao, let's see.
1. Off-healed to save myself and others.
2. Spread pressure with 35 second flame shocks ticking with elemental force.
3. My missed shear was actually insanely worth, because it forced an early warstomp on absolutely nothing else from HB. I'll trade a 15 second CD for a 2 minute AOE CC any day. Was it intentional? No. Did it work in our favor? yes.
4. Missed shear on daddy ( perhaps gave them overconfidence? idk lmao was a solid misplay on my part. Shit happens)
5. PANDA SLAPPED A GOBLIN JUMP TO MAKE UP FOR IT! Prevented him from kiting us around los behind boxes.
6. Caused daddy to kick me 2.5 seconds before he died ( not sure why he stepped towards me and into lava lash range just as he kicked me but whatever)

So yeah, I (and my teammates would certainly agree) was slightly useful in that final arena. Obviously I am taking nothing away from them, the heals were great and the hard switch to shaman was on point, but I definitely felt useful.
Either way, it was a game that we had no business winning, I could care less how many crusader procs that they got, they were scum enough to Q double arms warrior into 3s, and paid the price with shitty RNG I suppose. ALSO, I am an enhance shaman with TWO THOUSAND HEALTH. If they literally just sat me, sheared the shaman on a cast, belf charged to him and torrented out, then they win the game. Crusader or not, there is no way I am living through two rends + two mortal strikes without receiving heals from the disc.

You are forgetting one simple fact in the midst of all of this pointless banter. The warrior with the most sader's win. Double warrior is pointless if they don't get procs, you have an offhealer, an interupt (that you can actually use cause you arent the one being pressure), and a double crusader procced arms warr that I can't heal through because, oh wait, I don't have an off-healer and I have to juke a fucking shear. Play a comp with no warrior or BM monk stacking procs and we will see where the real skill comes in.
Sader stacking just has too much influence and potential of OP RNG in most circumstances.
Yeah I think Qing warrior when 3s are poppin is kinda lame and turns some teams off for Qing or rage Qing a silly comp. 3s is a time to Q different shit that maybe normally wouldn't be as strong. That being said if qing with a warrior is your only option do it up some pops is better than none and these are fun as cluck.
Sader stacking just has too much influence and potential of OP RNG in most circumstances.

Most circumstances in this game are highly depended on RNG, But I do agree Crusader (And Crusader stacking) can have such a huge influence if you get lucky
Double warrior is pointless if they don't get procs
You must be delusional if you think that a 2.2k health enhance shaman can't die when it is oom, ( which I was) with 2 rends ticking on it, taking two mortal strikes in a global, with a sheared disc priest. Throw a torrent or a warstomp into the mix becaue horde racials and it should be an even more sure kill. After the game when our team was watching the video, we simply couldn't figure out why you didn't sit the enhance. It literally came down to: "Sit the 2.2k hp enhance? Nah, lets tunnel the 3k hp priest"

Yeah, I missed my one kick, made up for it with the panda slap on the rocket jump though :D
Yeah, I missed my one kick, made up for it with the panda slap on the rocket jump though :D

That was completely accident and you know it. My point is that all of this is pointless for one simple fact, Casino wins games in leather/cloth gear on his warrior bc, oh wait, crusader 1 shot dead. My warriors got the bare minimum at separate times, yes they could have gone on you but that 2.3k hp turns into 3k when natures gaurdian procs and they didn't have the procs to follow through with a kill anyways, whereas you had it easy by setting me behind by having to fake shear, while your warrior lawl ha dub sader procs lol ha 1 shot. also idk wtf you are talking about, i never sheared your priest that would be pointless because they were on your priest and you were free casting off heals. Like I said, play me with a comp that has no sader and no landslide and we will see who wins. I'm not salty, or talking shit. I'm just stating the facts.

The only thing that came out of this is now I am YouTube famous.
oh wait, crusader 1 shot dead. My warriors got the bare minimum

I just don't understand how the one running double arms warrior in threes has any room to complain about crusader. Or complain about CC when they are running tauren and blood elf warrior. The only person to blame is whoever didn't pray to the RNG gods before queuing double arms warrior in threes. Blame yourself for relying 100% on one-shot procs and running no CC or offhealing in your comp. It isn't my fault that you didn't run any CC whatsoever, is it?
I just don't understand how the one running double arms warrior in threes has any room to complain about crusader. Or complain about CC when they are running tauren and blood elf warrior. The only person to blame is whoever didn't pray to the RNG gods before queuing double arms warrior in threes. Blame yourself for relying 100% on one-shot procs and running no CC or offhealing in your comp. It isn't my fault that you didn't run any CC whatsoever, is it?

The only reason we ran the comp in the first place is because of all the fuckin scumbags running nothing but arms warriors all night because they can't comprehend playing anything that takes skill.
The only reason we ran the comp in the first place is because of all the fuckin scumbags running nothing but arms warriors all night because they can't comprehend playing anything that takes skill.
Complains about arms being "scum". Logs to double "scum" to try to out"scum" the single "scum". "Scum" takes no skill he says. Proceeds to lose using double "scum". Hypocrite much?
Complains about arms being "scum". Logs to double "scum" to try to out"scum" the single "scum". "Scum" takes no skill he says. Proceeds to lose using double "scum". Hypocrite much?

youre missing the point, what makes warriors broken is double crusader - something that only you did lol
youre missing the point, what makes warriors broken is double crusader - something that only you did lol

We probably queued 10-15 games of threes previous to that. Bigbody was only using a single crusader the entire time. He used double crusader in the final game because hb/lucas ran double warrior, and were running double sader. If they were only using one sader each, which I doubt that they were, then I could see the argument, but we had no way of knowing that, and we assumed that if they were scumbag enough to run double warrior, then they would be weapon swapping as well.
We probably queued 10-15 games of threes previous to that. Bigbody was only using a single crusader the entire time. He used double crusader in the final game because hb/lucas ran double warrior, and were running double sader. If they were only using one sader each, which I doubt that they were, then I could see the argument, but we had no way of knowing that, and we assumed that if they were scumbag enough to run double warrior, then they would be weapon swapping as well.

unfortunately - i was replying to the single double warrior game - as in the post i actually replied to thats the game you were talking about

the team who crusader swapped won /s
We probably queued 10-15 games of threes previous to that. Bigbody was only using a single crusader the entire time. He used double crusader in the final game because hb/lucas ran double warrior, and were running double sader. If they were only using one sader each, which I doubt that they were, then I could see the argument, but we had no way of knowing that, and we assumed that if they were scumbag enough to run double warrior, then they would be weapon swapping as well.

queing warrior against MLS #skill (facepalm)
queing warrior against MLS #skill (facepalm)
I played enhance. Bigbody wanted to play his warrior, as it is his main. Yes, the other teams were queuing a warrior. I didn't mind that you guys queued a warrior. However, I did find it hilarious that you switched to double warrior (which wouldn't be allowed in Twink cup, crusader or no crusader) in an effort to beat us, had warstomp and arcane torrent, and still managed to blow it :D
I played enhance. Bigbody wanted to play his warrior, as it is his main. Yes, the other teams were queuing a warrior. I didn't mind that you guys queued a warrior. However, I did find it hilarious that you switched to double warrior (which wouldn't be allowed in Twink cup, crusader or no crusader) in an effort to beat us, had warstomp and arcane torrent, and still managed to blow it :D

You are so lost honestly, If you really want to carry out this pointless discussion do it with yourself. You can't even relate those games to the twink cup whatsoever, because you were still using sader. If you want to put comps to the test, I am more than happy to wreck you in 3v3s with a comp that actually takes skill and doesn't rely on procs, like so many people have forgotten how to do. Otherwise, you know your place.

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