Random observation yo

Everyone can be oppressed though, not just one race, is why I said it's better to let it be. Your talking as if only one race can be priveleged while the other is oppressed. Which is not true.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, yes.

The people currently being / feeling oppressed are generally the ones calling attention to it, while the people currently not being / feeling oppressed are generally the ones saying, "deal with it."
Generalizing "privilege" by race or other classifier is silly. There are too many potential givers and receivers of this privilege, and they are all different. It depends on the specific situation. I don't know if it is the media or what, but there is too much focus on the differences between people in America rather than the similarity. This is a silly topic. There will continue to be people who don't like homosexuals, or hispanics, or black people, white people, christians, atheists, muslims, etc. As the other guy said, deal with it. Demonstrations and parades won't change things.
The US has been taking PC lessons from it's European cousins. Fortunately the silent majority is finally starting to wake up.


So delusional. US politics is quite the show these days though. Those you imply are your current campaigning heroes would not dare speak for your so called 'majority.' Even as they stab themselves in the face about so many other issues.

done with this thread.
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So delusional. US politics is quite the show these days though. Those you imply are your current campaigning heroes would not dare speak for your so called 'majority.' Even as they stab themselves in the face about so many other issues.

done with this thread.

ALL country's politics are "quite the show" thank you very much. Do you have politician in your great and grand country you are proud of? Or can you just poke fun at other countries?

Yes, the silent majority... As in more than 50%. They do not believe in being politically correct. And that more than 50% is tired of it.

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Generalizing "privilege" by race or other classifier is silly. There are too many potential givers and receivers of this privilege, and they are all different. It depends on the specific situation. I don't know if it is the media or what, but there is too much focus on the differences between people in America rather than the similarity. This is a silly topic. There will continue to be people who don't like homosexuals, or hispanics, or black people, white people, christians, atheists, muslims, etc. As the other guy said, deal with it. Demonstrations and parades won't change things.

Correct, people create change. Parades and such make people feel better about themselves. No one here has said they are a negative thing.

The LGBTQ march for the rights of all. It's not JUST about gay people. Also youre a fool if you don't think theres transgender phobia in North America. They also march to show how far they have come and to show respect for their "vets" who fought in the riots and to every single LGBTQ who had been killed when North America was a place oh hate. It's kinda like remembrance day.... but gay.

Were not asking you to understand. Just to fuck off and stop spewing that "straight parade" shit because its exactly that. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND.

One last thing. Many citys that have parades have LGBTQ members from the army marching.

You seem a little angry. Maybe it is you that does not understand our position. Understanding in a two way street.

But it is not for the rights of ALL. It is not fully inclusive. It mutually exclusive simply because of it's acronym.
Similar to the NAACP or :LUL:AC or CAIR or NOW. All of those organizations are not fully inclusive either. Do you think they are "fighting" for the "rights" of everyone? More than likely not. They only "fight" for the peoples within their little group.
That is why I stated before "the working middle class straight Caucasian male has the least amount of rights of anyone." That group of people has absolutely no one "fighting" for them. When in fact, they are the minority. Quite sad when you think of it. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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Allybeboba stop triple posting? You always point out when people break the CoC and you're forever double/triple posting. Use the multiquote function /cheers
Allybeboba stop triple posting? You always point out when people break the CoC and you're forever double/triple posting. Use the multiquote function /cheers

Feel free to find a post where I pointed out someone breaking the CoC. I am not the CoC police. That is the Moderators job.
I feel it gets my point across better if I make separate posts.

Feel free to find a post where I pointed out someone breaking the CoC. I am not the CoC police. That is the Moderators job.
I feel it gets my point across better if I make separate posts.


You might not ever point out directly, but you accuse, all the time. Usually in the form of "I don't break the CoC but as you will see everybody does around me" etc. Just use the multiquote function dude otherwise u just look like you're spamming.
You might not ever point out directly, but you accuse, all the time. Usually in the form of "I don't break the CoC but as you will see everybody does around me" etc. Just use the multiquote function dude otherwise u just look like you're spamming.
I like that he dedicates a single post to each person he's replying to. It maintains an organozed appearance and makes it easier to reas. Besides, that can hardly be called spamming if it is constructive and if all the same stuff would be said in a single big post anyway. I realize I am guilty of the same thing in this specific post, but yea, your little foray into this thread hasn't touched on the thread topic at all, and as such is detracting from the quality of the threas. Let's please keep the thread on topic and clear of character attacks, deserved and otherwise.
Settle down there hoss... Until no one has had a problem with it. Neither of them as a matter of fact.

Ever on topic....
As a Dory noted above, there will always be prejudice people. Not just in NA but in the entire world. We have to realize those people are a minority as well. In fact everyone is prejudice in some way. If you are not from NA you already have "prejudged" someone who is, whether you have met them or not. If you are from the city you may "prejudge" people from the country. Here in the US Northerners tend to "prejudge" Southerners simply because of their southern accent.
Just like your Mommy told you "You can't judge a book by it's cover".

I truly believe that the only 'majority' relating to any of these issues is the majority of people who don't really care one way or the other (myself included.)
I like that he dedicates a single post to each person he's replying to. It maintains an organozed appearance and makes it easier to reas. Besides, that can hardly be called spamming if it is constructive and if all the same stuff would be said in a single big post anyway. I realize I am guilty of the same thing in this specific post, but yea, your little foray into this thread hasn't touched on the thread topic at all, and as such is detracting from the quality of the threas. Let's please keep the thread on topic and clear of character attacks, deserved and otherwise.

You might like it, but it was in the CoC last time I read. Just pointing the finger back to the accuser. You are free to say what you want on this forum, as am I.

On topic: This thread is going nowhere good
Allybeboba stop triple posting? You always point out when people break the CoC and you're forever double/triple posting. Use the multiquote function /cheers

I've done it quite a few times this thread, but ally makes detailed posts and gives a lot of information so I wouldn't really consider that spamming...
Yes, the silent majority... As in more than 50%. They do not believe in being politically correct. And that more than 50% is tired of it.

You are delusional. In any case, when it comes to civil rights there is a right and wrong side of history. Educate yourself or become the out of touch grandma who says shocking things at the dinner table (making the younger generation giggle and discrediting anything else you might have to say on social issues). Your choice baby.

It's not about a pendulum swing. For a number or reasons, gay rights won't hesitate like race relations. Some would say race relations have already been leap-frogged. You won't scare the clock into turning backwards with your crazy talk.
You are delusional. In any case, when it comes to civil rights there is a right and wrong side of history. Educate yourself or become the out of touch grandma who says shocking things at the dinner table (making the younger generation giggle and discrediting anything else you might have to say on social issues). Your choice baby.

It's not about a pendulum swing. For a number or reasons, gay rights won't hesitate like race relations. Some would say race relations have already been leap-frogged. You won't scare the clock into turning backwards with your crazy talk.

In what way should I "educate" myself? We are all waiting with abated breath for you to inform us.

What "crazy talk" is this that you speak of, grasshopper? Please do tell.

As many have stated in this very thread, homosexuals have the same "rights" as heterosexuals do. There is no need for "gay rights" to "hesitate". Perhaps you missed that or just chose to ignore it since you did not agree with it.
Instead, those people should participate and gravitate rather than segregate, as we have suggested.
Have a wonderful day!

In what way should I "educate" myself? We are all waiting with abated breath for you to inform us.

What "crazy talk" is this that you speak of, grasshopper? Please do tell.

on public opinion and statistics for starters.

Add me to the list of those on this site who consider you to be a lame troll, an idiot or both. We shall agree to mutual dislike.
on public opinion and statistics for starters.

Add me to the list of those on this site who consider you to be a lame troll, an idiot or both. We shall agree to mutual dislike.

You are stating that more 50% of Americans are NOT tired of the PC bs correct? Quite strange that when a certain candidate states something that many people have been thinking but have been wanting to say for years that candidate's poll numbers increase. (This is where you make an insult about those people or the candidate)

And now you stoop to insulting me. For I am not "trolling" as I have stayed on subject. If anything you are the one trolling, grasshopper.

For some reason you latched on to me for your crusade when you probably did not even read my first post in this thread in response to the OP. I shall quote for you.

The OP observed the "gay pride" parades was a "sea of creepy white people". He also made some other observations that I will not repeat.
Below was my reply...

In other words, what you have observed is that only Caucasians are brave enough to fight for what they seem to feel is their "rights". The other ethnic groups are either afraid of persecution or it is not tolerated within their cultural "norms".
As far as being "creepy". What one person sees as "creepy", another may find attractive.


I suggest you go back and read the rest of my comments before you make a comment to this one and embarrass yourself further.

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