US Just a thought to get more games going

What weekday should we do Plebs

  • Monday

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • Tuesday

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Wednesday

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Thursday

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Friday

    Votes: 5 31.3%

  • Total voters


So before I suggest this I think that anyone who can que pugs during the weekday should because pugs are awesome, and fun, and weird, and I miss them.

Okay, now on to the reason why I posted this. As we have approach the twink cup, there has been more and more Guild v Guild war games on the weekends. For some people the only time they can play is the weekend, and it seems like guilds have trouble filling their full 10 during the week. The TC is coming up fast and I don't see why every available player wouldn't want to get as much competitive practice in as possible. With this being said, maybe we can all discuss a way where we can have a few days a week where Plebs are expected to happen, rather than just throwing them together at random times. I know there are newer teams, that have recently joined the Twink Cup ,that have new players that are itching to practice more and I think it will be helpful to the individuals to have some competitive practice. Plus it will be good for the competitiveness of the actual twink cup. This is just an idea and hopefully we can get more games in.


Just vote, and post your thoughts if you have any other ideas on how to get more games in.

PS: Sorry if there are mistakes in this message I wrote this half asleep.
bump! been a shame that pugs havent been popping 2 weeks off from tc, would be nice to get some plebs or guild v guilds going weekdays sure everyone would like the practice. We only have a few months left of unmerged xpoff/xpon lets make it count!
Sadly some teams are EU and love playing just as US pugs start, but right after those there is usually a break before the US teams want to fight it out and the best time to get pugs popping
lets get games pugs today please
the vast majority of the times plebs only start after teams are done practicing. id say like 90% of the time plebs are a continuation of wargames. Pugs dont pop when no teams are playing, pugs have died a long time ago. You should focus on days people are expected to queue pugs instead of days people are expected to do wargames. Sounds bad, but its true.
the vast majority of the times plebs only start after teams are done practicing. id say like 90% of the time plebs are a continuation of wargames. Pugs dont pop when no teams are playing, pugs have died a long time ago. You should focus on days people are expected to queue pugs instead of days people are expected to do wargames. Sounds bad, but its true.

You must not queue early on. Typically as long as someone is streaming 19s, pugs have been starting around 5est
You must not queue early on. Typically as long as someone is streaming 19s, pugs have been starting around 5est
yea, this is the root of the problem. Games only start if someone is streaming, and thats not even for certain. They also stop queuing when they stop streaming.
Pugs are what kill pugs. No one wants to sit in a 25 minute+ queue for a really bad game with no balanced compositions in an already shitty, stale game.

If you want to play, learn to war game when it's available.

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