Recent content by Lagoon

  1. Herald of the Titans in MoP?

    Dig the signature, learned about YOLO way too late :-)
  2. Head enchants getting grandfathered?

    Umm, today's PTR, just downloaded 20gb to see if my pets are still intact (fixed taming) and decide whether to bother getting guild rep for boas so i can apply zg chants i still have in bank.
  3. Sporeggar/Timbermaw raid 4th July 4-5 am server

    Got some spare time till 10am server, priority: Sporeggar legendary raid members>people with rep>others 3-4 slots for sure, 1 reserved to Chawa since he's almost done with Diplomat
  4. Maghar/sporeggar rep tommorow 3-4 hour block 06/29 start 4 - 5am server

    Planned for 3-4 hours, ended up doing 7.5 hours till Chawa and Kirkala got exalted. Just ask next time if you see people there, chances are there will be spot available, Orcward joined for last 2 hours and got at least 10k rep, little by little, it adds up :-)
  5. Maghar/sporeggar rep tommorow 3-4 hour block 06/29 start 4 - 5am server

    Early start because of european people :-)
  6. What is the most gold you sold xmogging item for?

    I've got this today, just found it in bank and slapped it on AH and to my surprise it sold for 25k. I know on some servers it might probably go for more but still, nice little pocket change for somebody who returned after break :-)
  7. Maghar/sporeggar rep tommorow 3-4 hour block 06/29 start 4 - 5am server

    Original Sporeggar raid members priority > people with some rep > others, will take 4 people at least Also gotta love xmogging :-) (farming toon for my 60's twinks, didnt bother much with UI)
  8. Maghar rep this sunday

    Moved from today, start around 5-6 am server time, going for 3-4 hour streak Priority: Original sporeggar rep raid members>people with some mag rep>others See you there, got 2 mules for summon, if you can't make it on time there will be summon ready (also works for Halaa) at full hours.
  9. Chests, burgy's hat, rep, etc

    As few of those already know i moved back to US and finally got at least some time to spend on Wow. Apologies for those expecting me to run rep raids 2 months ago, moved to Prague as expected, however within 1 week i did simultaneously get another offer for better paying job back in States...
  10. If you find MM..

    Good luck with that, if you'd be horde i can personally guarantee one within 1-2 weeks, summoned two ppl just yesterday for this sexy piece of gear.
  11. Looking for someone from Not so obsolete US-Thrall to hit me up with SOR

    Got alliance lock i'd like to move to horde side with active 80 twink guild to help out with the queues. From my understanding most active on US side is NSO. I will accept it probably in 2 weeks, once i move to my new apartment and get internet, so here's your chance to get free mount, send...
  12. Quick update on Diplomat, no need to reply

    Got apartment although moving in on 28th, then getting internet, so i'll be back soon for the Diplomat title.
  13. Current state of activity

    Last time i played there, i got yelled at for playing hunter, but it was in time where fire mages were top notch, nowadays i only use them as AH whores and event bitches. So does this mean i can dust off my furbolg hunter and ZF mallet shammy ? EDIT: Are you guys still using that 49pvp queue...
  14. SOR mount price inquiry

    Hello there fellow twinkers, with new SOR mounts being in game, did anybody stumble upon any kind of selling of this mount for either ingame gold or prepaid card? If yes, what is the going rate of gold for this mount nowadays? Spectral Wind Rider - Item - World of Warcraft Spectral Gryphon -...
  15. Cata engineering tinkers and you @70

    Crossing fingers for you, nice to see more locks in the bracket, and you don't need that much money to relvl, check my thread here, all you need to do is pick mining/engi and after you're done just relvl 2nd profession instead of mining if you wish to do so...