Recent content by lipeckiz

  1. BiS 10 Hunter

    Wish I would've thought of that. Sorry, please excuse my lack of ideas >.<
  2. BiS 10 Hunter

    Bump. I need the Chardev..
  3. Level 10 Weapon list (Non-BoA)

    Is this list still up to date?
  4. Boud Level 1 Rogue - Duel Video!

    Good job, Boud :)
  5. BiS 10 Hunter

    If anyone could make me a chardev of a BiS 10 hunter, I would be very very grateful. Thank you.
  6. Anyone up for bringing back 5s? :)

    Le title says it all.
  7. Talon of Vultros enchant!

    15 agi.
  8. <Tier One> of Bladefist US

    Good luck with that :D
  9. <Tier One> of Bladefist US

    I didn't feel like ditching my current twink on my main realm, so I just made another guild.
  10. <Tier One> of Bladefist US

    @Sabtah Thanks! @Boud What do you mean?
  11. <Tier One> of Bladefist US

    Server Information Server: Bladefist Faction: Alliance Accepting: All races and classes -------------------------------------------- The main focus of the guild is PvP, such as world PvP, dueling competitions, and Gurubashi battles, however we will also have some PvE events, such as killing...
  12. Sabtah's Level 1 Twink Journey.

    Would be pretty cool I guess.
  13. Favorite memory

    ...Shit just got serious.