Recent content by Magrain

  1. Magrain

    Happy Mother's day y'all, and a fine Breast Milk day for Blizzard employees.

    Happy Mother's day y'all, and a fine Breast Milk day for Blizzard employees.
  2. Magrain

    So, they did "Buff" hunters, again. (lol)

    Rexxar's "Stampede" recreated in WoW.
  3. Magrain

    War Within Level 20 Info

    If Expert riding is available at 20, does that mean flying mounts can be learned for F2P? Like the Time-Lost Drake or the Onyx Serpent etc.?
  4. Magrain

    Plaguefall and other SL Dungeons

    For future reference, Melee Plate Classes (like Warriors, Paladins and Death Knights) cannot loot any of the 2 OP trinkets, the shadow totem and the green cum ooze. -The Shadowgrasp Totem can be looted by Agility Classes only. -Ooze from both Agility and Int classes. (There is also a fun way to...
  5. Magrain

    WoD dungeons are garbage.

    I'm indifferent to WoD dungeon grinding, but I dislike it for the sole purpose that it is the only thing that has pushed me out of my comfort zone. Using another class that is not a Warlock due to the trinkets being limited only to certain classes. Never thought I'd be playing with another class...
  6. Magrain

    WoD dungeons are garbage.

    I miss farming Feathered Headdress and The Pacifier.
  7. Magrain

    What class and spec do you prefer?

    Destruction Warlock. Its good
  8. Magrain

    Someone talk me out of it. (F2P gearing)

    No one can talk you out of it. Only you can do that if you are willing enough.
  9. Magrain

    Worst RNG and message to Bliz

    My worst RNG, is being a twink. I could be anything. Instead, I am a twink. And my message to Blizzard? Fuck you for ruining WC3:Reforged.
  10. Magrain

    Grandfathered items - A curse, or a luxury?

    A luxury if I possess them. A curse if I dont have them. I will preach if I have them. I will complain and cry about it if I dont have them. Its good when I have them, Its bad if I dont have them.
  11. Magrain

    XPoff=no free speech unless you agree with the top men

    Are you always this constipated?
  12. Magrain

    Horde, soley because of Orcs. I just love Orcs and their storyline pre-dating WC2. Almost all my...

    Horde, soley because of Orcs. I just love Orcs and their storyline pre-dating WC2. Almost all my toons are Orcs, not once have I tried anything otherwise. Grom's sacrifice in WC3 is what really sparked that interest and respect for me
  13. Magrain

    Twentified 10.2.5 Patch Notes

    "Stay away from Da voodo-" "NO I AM DA VOODOO!"
  14. Magrain

    The End of an Era, the end of Gobby Kotick

    They removed many things deemed "Offensive" and "Unhinged", one of the things is /spit. And of course the infamous fruit bowl pictures that replaced depiction of anything "sexy" to them, trying to damage control the whole allegation scandals that happened awhile back. They also changed "Enslave...
  15. Magrain

    The End of an Era, the end of Gobby Kotick

    So does that mean we get /spit back or what