Recent content by McBankington

  1. McBankington

    19 Class Tier List

    As someone who hasn't been in the scene for a very long time I'd love to see small blurbs besides the classes in the top two tiers stating why they're so good. Nothing fancy or long winded, just listing the classes biggest strengths.
  2. McBankington

    SFK Farming. Droprates.

    A little off topic, as I've been out of the scene for about a year now if not more. Are heirlooms no longer extremely dominant? What's in SFK that's worth farming for now? Sorry if this is too far off topic.
  3. McBankington

    I retire.

    Mad props for actually managing to kick playing games. Something I wish I could do.
  4. McBankington

    What Do You Enjoy Doing On Your 19s?

    you're right for all those but making a 19 today is a ton less work then it was in tbc, considering all the boas, how easy it is to pass chants down and how much cheaper stuff usually is now. Most BiS items aren't even wrold drops now, and even if they are you can just chest farm, where as world...
  5. McBankington

    What Do You Enjoy Doing On Your 19s?

    what dont you like about mop of pandaria?
  6. McBankington

    What Do You Enjoy Doing On Your 19s?

    why make a new 19 server then
  7. McBankington

    this guy is obviously professional.

    how do you do this
  8. McBankington

    this guy is obviously professional.

    what is even going on people find some way to xmog your stuff to people from other servers items?
  9. McBankington

    Level 1 twinking in Vanilla (Help!)

    I realize it's updated but that doesn't stop it from being useful. It still has item lists you can make just by adding required criteria. Enchants have not changed much in the stats that they give, and today if level 1 twinks worked the same way as back then you would still be using the exact...
  10. McBankington

    Level 1 twinking in Vanilla (Help!)

    I can't see it being too hard to figure this all out on your own in about 20 mins. Just look through this list for the good enchants and buy the leather armor available at the leather armor merchant in one of the race starting zones. list 1: Item Enhancements (Permanent) - Items - World of...
  11. McBankington

    So I saw this dog at work...

    This is actually classified as animal abuse. You can see the dog was crying by the regular colored fur around his eyes. Still kinda funny, though.
  12. McBankington

    Guy's been streaming live for 119+ hours, no sleep.

    guinness in itself is dumb, they keep records for the dumbest shit. and my shit I literally mean shit, because there's a record fo rthe longest shit. Some guy ate only wheat for a week or something without going to the bathroom rented out a huge gym then practiced sliding across the gym without...
  13. McBankington

    Favorite Poster

    Rip rc-st
  14. McBankington

    The Brag Call Thread

    back in tbc people would argue around the clock if lifesteal was worth it. There would be new threadS (plural) about it every day, and people would get angry about it at the time. After a bunch of people did a lot of testing everyone decided lfiesteal significantly worse then 15 agi damage wise...