Recent content by nanatan


    Might be possible to go in with a higher level demon hunter toon and still be within loot range
  2. EU+US ilvl 700 guns in new dala

    You mean in BG's yeah?
  3. EU+US ilvl 700 guns in new dala

    I had 600% damage reduced and got hit by a lvl 100 priests holy fire and didn't die, still took damage tho.
  4. EU+US ilvl 700 guns in new dala

    Since these guns are a crafting material for legion recipes, it will most likely either get a level requirement or turned into a white item.
  5. EU+US ilvl 700 guns in new dala

    Yeah, its the Dalaran above Broken Isles, you literally just walk up to the vendor and buy it for gold.
  6. EU+US ilvl 700 guns in new dala

    I'd go back and grab it but I severely doubt this will last more than a day or so before getting fixed, if even that.
  7. EU+US ilvl 700 guns in new dala Haste/versa All guns have the same stats, you just gotta get a good secondary stat roll.
  8. EU+US ilvl 700 guns in new dala

    Lvl 3 hunter
  9. EU+US ilvl 700 guns in new dala

    Just ask around in dalaran, people are surprisingly helpful :)
  10. EU+US ilvl 700 guns in new dala This is on a lvl 9 warrior, didn't have a hunter to summon to try it out.
  11. WoW Transmog Felforged Gear at any level

    I tried transmogging BC quest rewards using this on my lvl 20 and that didn't work. You'll see them as available options when mogging, you'll hear the transmog sounds, but the gold isn't subtracted and the mog isn't applied.
  12. WoW Transmog Felforged Gear at any level

    Tried it out on a F2P account, you can only mog into stuff you have, so I could unfortunately not touch stuff I only had on other characters like tiersets or WOTLK quest items. etc. theory: a lvl 50 char could probably mog into T2 if they're boosted through MC BWL.
  13. Warforged Invasion Gear

    hahaha opened two boxes on three different f2ps at the same time from the same invasion and all of them got a 35ilvl item. 5.57 server time, maybe there is something with the RNG/time?
  14. Twink Transmogs accessible with legion

    Show us some cool gfd transmogs yo.
  15. Twink Transmogs accessible with legion

    Wouldnt also the naxxramas fr qear (the quest reward ones) be available aswell in that case?