Recent content by Rina

  1. Rina

    EU+US First F2P - Anything to know?

    I'm coming back to play retail after a long break. I've not played since about a month after Legion was released so I know about some of the larger changes like how equipment works (though I think people were still figuring out the intricacies of it) but not much else so I just wanted to ask a...
  2. Rina

    Funding Draenor Alliance 39 Twinks

    I'm interested in finding a new bracket and 39s sounds fun. Any classes you do/don't want?
  3. Rina

    Worth returning?

    Too bad I'm on EU and if I make a US account I can't get my mitts on the BoA rings without going through soooooo much hassle XD
  4. Rina

    The Level 1 Twink Aliance EU Guild : Liféless is becoming active agian!

    I'm always up for level one twinking. I'll come along, though do you guys offer any financial support for enchants etc. or do I need to get them through my own means?
  5. Rina

    Another Life - EU Horde

    I won't be transferring to your realm, however I'm a 60 monk with a 60 priest being made as we speak. Would love to get involved.
  6. Rina

    60 Armory List

    I think any 60's are fine, including Monks and DKs. If you wanted to tuck them a way a little I guess I could understand but it would be nice to have them somewhere.
  7. Rina

    fastest way to level alts

    I follow a similar process, though I've not tried to solo RFC. I might give this a go tonight :)
  8. Rina

    Level 10 - Versatility

    I'm not convinced it has been removed and no longer gives any stat bonus. You can use a script to see it's in-game benefits apparently, though I'm yet to get that to work. Juno suggested it was possible
  9. Rina

    Level 10 - Versatility

    I'm not so sure the more i play. I can outheal level 50s. Yesterday i was in Duskwood and outhealed someone with 8k hp and someone with 2k at the same time. They only got me when i failed a fake 5 mins in. Couldn't see their levels but i guess one 50ish and one mid 20s?
  10. Rina

    Level 10 - Versatility

    Nope, my lvl 90 is only on 4% resilience so no baseline.
  11. Rina

    Level 10 - Versatility

    Ririu - Profiler - World of Warcraft This is my Priest currently. Anyone know if WoWhead reads resilience scale correctly? 42% seems a little too high
  12. Rina

    Level 10 - Versatility

    So is versatility pretty much the best thing to stack at level 10? I've been able to get up to 60% bonus damage/healing and about 30% damage reduction. Is there something better that I'm missing?
  13. Rina

    Bgs stopped popping?

    So I used to play the 20 bracket at the start of Mists of Pandaria. BGs took between 5 and 30 seconds to pop usually. Now it's 25 mins per BG? I've not noticed any less players, did something change?
  14. Rina

    29 WW Monk / rate my xmog

    Dat enchanting lvl
  15. Rina

    29 Monk Twink

    I fully understand all this. Blizzard have announced they will remove base damage on abilities and put it all down to scaling and I just enjoy playing a more beefy style character I guess. I just want to play a tanky character but still jump into the front lines and do a little more than tickle...