Recent content by Squeakyjack

  1. look at this and laugh

    Well Vek'nilash isn't a PvP realm.... Nobody is really looking for random alliance outside their cities...
  2. Farming Wildvine for Green Lens

    Sooo I got 3 Intel, 1 Eagle, 1 Eluding, and 1 Spirit lens... Is Eluding / Eagle worth something? I've been attempting to get bear, stamina, or strength. Not working out too well.
  3. Nicest 19's?

    I only played the bracket in like BC but from the people I remember and a person from lately. Pizza Sneaky Darkchewie Aeramae
  4. US Meet the tinks: Pizza

    Really great read. Really did bring the other side of Pizza out as Khaos said.
  5. 20-24 2v2 3v3 Arena War Games

    I'm so pumped for this. Great idea.
  6. Lv 1 monk vs rogue

    Almost completely inferior to a rogue. Can't dual weild. Jab has the crappiest damage. We talked mostly about this a bit after MoP came out. ~Squeakyjack
  7. 5.3 tomorrow

    Lightning bolt while moving won't make them fotm because they don't do really good damage anyways...
  8. 24 Priest (Charged Gear not dropping in Gnomer)

    Wowhead's drop percents are wrong really.... I've gone 20 runs without seeing a ring drop in general. Could be just because it hates me, I just ran a priest friend on my main because he's been running me a lot. My Emissary Cuffs of Stamina dropped. Yeah.... I hate that dungeon forever.
  9. Level 1 Druid Chardev (How Is It)?

    I can see in many ways that you are correct, but I am just weird when gearing and twinking in general. So I guess im not a valid point for any of this haha.
  10. New wowhead guide

    Well, problem A). This guide does not exist. :0... That's what it says for me when I click the link.
  11. Level 1 Druid Chardev (How Is It)?

    Yeah my bad, 100 health. And I disagree completely but it's all opinion and preference.
  12. Level 1 Druid Chardev (How Is It)?

    I would always have your PvP Trinket on because of discombobulator rays, etc that level 1s can use. Squealer's Belt. I would saw that with that 10 haste and haste from gear. You should go with Devout and Furbolg. That'll give you a major damage boost while giving you 100 stamina.
  13. Level 1 Hunter

    I see I'm not important here. Squealer's Belt still has the best armor.
  14. 39 Rogue - I'm a bit lost.

    Alright thank you all for the replies, now what about the guild cloak? Still viable? Also the lens.... I heard it might be GF'd, atleast the ones with the best stats. Any ideas? Thanks