Recent content by Taitaih

  1. 49 Legion Gear Prep Guide

    If you're lucky enough to have it (I think the quest is gone), Enchanted Azsharite Felbane Dagger is ilvl 60 and equippable.
  2. A couple of questions

    Haven't popped on here in about a year, good to see you again Drayner!
  3. An Audacious Suggestion

    Lot of good faces in this thread. The sound of Sunken Temple and BRD Coffer runs makes me want to rip my eyes out.
  4. Monks? 80\84\85?

    85 for PvP. Fun class and can really dominate in the hands of a good player.
  5. 80 or 85? Which is more active?

    I think the same hold true in the US.
  6. Hotshots be raining on Alexstrasza :)

    Found a pair on one of my old 49 twinks. Azgalor/Horde.
  7. Hotshot Pilot Gloves [Azgalor/Horde]

    Found this little gem while poking around my old 49s. Only entertaining obscene offers.
  8. New Admins :: Yde + Sil

    Congrats guys!
  9. Your favourite mod?

    Every mod that I've worked with in the past has been great.
  10. Macbooks!

    Screw it, let's just go Linux. For Gaming, get a Windows PC or Laptop. As much as I enjoy my Macs, I don't game on them. For school, you can go either way. Microsoft Office products are significantly better on Windows in my opinion. On the other hand, some of the built in features on the Mac...
  11. Macbooks!

    For gaming, definitely go for a Windows machine. Personally however, I've found that gaming on a laptop really decreases its lifespan, whether it's on a mac or PC. I prefer building a desktop for gaming. The quality is much better and you can keep it better ventilated than a laptop. If you...
  12. HI

    Need the link to the song! :D
  13. HI

    Who are you again?
  14. Get achievements from banned characters!

    I don't think Old school pvp titles go across characters. At least mine don't.
  15. Mocha's Resignation

    dick comment