Search results

  1. Where is everyone / what have you been doing?

    Been a VERY long time since I've ventured onto TI, and today, sadly I finally did. Where did everyone go? I came back to this community looking for old friends and a safe-haven, as the last 1.5 years of my life have been dealing with addiction, amongst other things - today marks my 3rd day of...
  2. Level 1 Dark Shaman Gear

    Long time since I've even been on TI, let alone posted. Hell, miss you guys like crazy. Buuuut, I thought I'd come and make a post with what may appear to be news to some of us. So, as discussed in previous threads im sure (just assuming since Chubs, etc are always onto this sort of stuff)...
  3. Hey Team Awesome - Grats Chubs, Squeaky U cute, Boud miss you.

    Hey guys, I may be coming back but I want to make sure it's going to be worth it this time. Did alot of theory-crafting in my time away and am willing to test alot of new methods if / when I come back. Is there still a active US twink guild, or do I need to make another? Whats the story with AP...
  4. Waddup team!

    Yo! Hows everyone doing? Curious as to how many of you we will see in D3? Boud? Squeaky? Chubs? Anyway, hope everyone is having fun Twinking.
  5. Just Checkin' In.

    Ahh, stuffs changing at a rapid rate around here! How's everyone doing and whats new? As I promised (Squeaky, Boud, Chubs) I'll be checking in from time to time. I hope everyone is going well and hope that the community continues to grow. The last thing I said I was aiming for was 3k in 3's...
  6. Level 1 Consumables + Tricks

    So I know theres a few of these going around at the moment and I just thought I'd do an updated one. Although I may miss some items, I will be updating this frequently, so if you see something missing here, please feel free to tell me so I can add it to the list. An asterisk (*) means the...
  7. [US] Exploit Recruiting - Level Ones

    As the title says our guild "Exploit" is currently recruiting more level 1's so we can finally start raiding. We are a Alliance based guild found on the realm "Jubei'Thos". Exploit is currently 11 members big with about 5 active each day. Jubei'Thos is also a friendly server with people helping...
  8. Vent or Music?

    Random question here, but just curious. Im thinking about renewing our old guilds 10 man vent. I was just curious if there was a vent for us to chill and just talk who would use it or who would still listen to there own music. Also, thanks for all the support on my YouTube, woke up this...
  9. Why hate?

    So I happened to be browsing the Internet and came across an extremely ancient post by "Chubs". This was on MMO Champion and it was when he got 2k achievement points. Everyone there just flammed, trolled and claimed it to be easy. What I'm struggling to understand is why would they say it's...
  10. Ethereum Prison Keys

    I couldn't imagine Blizzard would change this in 4.3 but does anyone have an idea if these will still work for rep gains. Just wanting to know before I start the farm on my DK once he hits 85 >.<
  11. Moving from US to EU?

    Wondering how one would go about this. I'm planning to make a new level one twink (rogue) on a realm. Have come to realise US isn't the place to do it, and was curious how I can change to EU realms. Thanks in advance.