Search results

  1. Y'all tried ChromieCraft?

    The relevant bits to twinks (I may well forget some): - F2P (shoutout 20s lmao :P) & not P2W - PvE server - Wrath client - Option to disable XP gain - Arena queue option - BGs as low as 2v2 WSG & 4v4 AB, up to usual cap 10v10 & 15v15. BG Weekends - Serious AGM competition as it is BiS every...
  2. Fishing tourney

    Am I able to catch a hat at lvl 5, with 75 fishing +100 lure, +20 pole, and +2 to gloves? I'm having fun maximizing a leveling alt, and I'd like to get the hat at lvl 5 instead of lvl 10.
  3. Enchantment & Enhancement lvl reqs

    Howdy. I took a few minutes to look around for this, but I don't see the information I'm looking for. I want to know each and every enchant / enhance's lvl reqs, if they exist - seemed like something that would've been made into a guide already. Looking to pimp out a warrior alt while levelling...
  4. Westfall (US) Alliance

    Howdy I'm not twinking, myself, but I still feel a part of this community, so if you happen to be rolling this server and are looking for some runs / company / whatever, lmk. I just hit 60, and I'll only be raiding & pvping casually, so I have time to spare. Cheers
  5. Secondary stats, Anti-Venom, community, drinks

    Howdy, - Wondering if Tumultuous Cloak, Earthbound Shoulders, Tumultuous Neck can roll "of the Adaptable," (and if so, is it 5/8 vers?) or 1/4 (or better than 5/3 for shoulders). - Two qs abt Anti-Venom, 1) what does it even work on in this bracket? getting slowed by Pistol Shot instead of...
  6. US No one ever really quits, huh

    Welp. Howdy. I'm playing again. Old acc deleted, so I rerolled I regret not returning to Vashj. I don't have btag turned on, but if y'all wanna play/talk, I'm sometimes available. Also I think our realms merged. Warm wishes. -...
  7. US Hey Whatup it's Licholas I don't play anymore or anything but I wanted to say Hi

    Hey lol how is everyone doing? I'm procrastinating on some HW. Y'all get any new cool shit since end of 2014? Uh also sorry about going insane and VASHEJ STREGNHT
  8. Confess your Secret Alts?

    Anyone else try to "reinvent" yourself with new characters? I'll start: Didn't think about BTag xD
  9. Stress

    Is stress a conspiracy- jk You're stressed; whatever the cause, what do you do? Something that doesn't entail just dumping pleasant feeling over the stress (so, not eating, sex, masturbating, gaming, drugs, TV, music, etc.)
  10. Did you seek Vet/MVP/Donor status in order to access this subforum?

    I voted to keep it because I like the flavor, and I didn't mean to give the impression that I made this post in reference to bullying
  11. Shft for MVP

    I don't know if this is kosher, but I see we're voting for MVP, so here's Shft's threadlist (here if you're not logged in). The chest-farming thread was particularly useful for me.
  12. Let it be known!

    I encountered my first shiny pokemon, 12ish years later! It was a nidorino and it ran D:< I then got the pokerus :O
  13. Sorry

    I raged, AFKd, dodged requests for help, ditched a great community, condescended, (unintentionally) misinformed, and generally developed an exceedingly large e-peen. If there're two things a homeless Mexican field & orchard worker named Isidro Corona taught me before he decided not to talk to me...
  14. F2P Policy

    Misty says every (pkmn :P) trainer needs a policy to turn pro. I have no connection to other (sub)forums, and my friends will only discuss for so long before they tire, so what's ur policy?
  15. Animation Thread

    Please post shorts of any race/spec combos u make or find so others can see wat the animations look like
  16. Rogue Objectives and Tips

    As far as I'm concerned, you're free to repurpose any of this. I will not update, as I no longer play. Tech Support Gear selection, ability overview, and other basics Animation selectionSpec & Talent selectionTipsUse zerker and boots ...particularly at the beginning of each match and whenever...
  17. wtf@modz #public

    HOw often r u reporting posts (last thread i began) was deleted cuz it was a "troll thread"... kincaide created a supadrama thread and i took taht, boiled off the bs and asked a simple question for the modzzz' benefit and for my curiosity and to raise user awareness of their own actions and...
  18. Botting Views

    anyone ever visit random old threads and c 5+ guests viewing dat? what 5 random people just HAPPEN to be looking at dat at the same time as u?????? WAT IS DAT? IS IT LEGAL???? srry wrong subforum!
  19. Least-travelled spots in the Gulch to afk faceroll games

    please pm what you've found most effective or share in the thread if ur feeling brave :) i swear on penalty of in-game death i will use this information only for my own safety and not for ur demise
  20. Vashj (Ally & Horde)

    EDIT: I recommend leaving a toon lvl 3 toon on Vashj w/ the f2paddon to recruit friends to a more populated (vet?) server. It's time to integrate! Small communities easily divide and dissolve when larger ones can keep kicking. hello :) please join us on Vashj! we're a well-established...