Search results

  1. Qtee

    Looking for old lvl 74 enhance reference

    Does anyone by chance have a profile link for a level 74 enhance shaman which has double niff... from cata 70-74 period. Much appreciated.
  2. Qtee

    Looking for swiftness potion recipe sponsor

    Hi Guys, Im looking for the swiftness potion recipe on bleeding hollow alliance. Currently only 2 people have the potions on the AH, at a ridiculous price. Im looking to mass make these and hand em out to see a increase of productivity on ally side. PM me. Justin#11848
  3. Qtee

    Looking for premades + wargames friends.

    Hello, Im looking for friends in the 19 bracket. Twinking isnt something new for me, but I havnt really been around the 19 scene too much. Here is my priest i will be playing: Shieldowoodo @ Kel'Thuzad - Community - World of Warcraft My rank 1 rogue from cata 70's (2500 personal...
  4. Qtee

    How laughable 85 is :3

    So after taking a good 6 month break from 85's... which was in a semi good state. Queue 1 bg.... Every living soul with BOE MOP gear.. and sunlutes everywhere. So end up getting gy farmed, everyone getting 1 shot by backpeddlers and clicking, so on forth. Cheers to zayne and soylent...
  5. Qtee

    70's thread of awful bracket pics

    So i made this thread so everyone can share their experience of how awful random bg's and arenas are in the current state of 70's. This bracket is far from getting better or fixed.... everyone complains of it, but yet still queues with these lopsided class numbers. Let us reflect of how awful 70...