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  1. Xsifilad

    Cata Enchanting restrictions.

    Hello guyz. I dont remember what they are anymore, and i could not find anything on the net. Can anyone remember if restriction on new enchants is lvl 60 or lvl 75? Im trying to figure out if i can have landslide or other wep. enchants on a lvl 49(Dont know if there even gona be 49 if they...
  2. Xsifilad

    An Audacious Suggestion

    After collecting 100 points and trying to transfer i realized that transfer price is only 50, i have finally arrived to Lorderon. Ill see if someone from Twink Inc managing staff is online in the evening hours so i can get an invite.
  3. Xsifilad

    An Audacious Suggestion

    Man it takes forever to get those points i only got to 40 just now
  4. Xsifilad

    An Audacious Suggestion

    My toon name is Smackwagon[H] on Ragnaros, i am still leveling and getting points for transfer, might take some time because i am not so good at consistently getting points every 12 hours. Also the news about lots of people makes me really excited, i didn't think it was such a "twink rush".
  5. Xsifilad

    An Audacious Suggestion

    I have started leveling on Rag, and i have a few notes to anyone who wants to do it as well. First of all you level up 20 times faster, and because of it your economy cannot keep up, sometimes the is not even enough money for spells. Then there is transfer fee that is 100 points, you can...
  6. Xsifilad

    An Audacious Suggestion

    Ok i googled molten, but they got like 7 servers which one is it?
  7. Xsifilad

    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaale shark!

    Wouldn't it be funny if the real EUs best self proclaimed mage comes he and sees this :P, boy are we in for trouble then!
  8. Xsifilad

    Super Bowl XLVI :: Giants vs Patriots :: Does Anyone Care?

    what time is it in CET?
  9. Xsifilad

    Mass Effect 3

    I played ME1 2 times, and ME2 5 times with 4 different classes, and i just cant wait for the 3 one to come out its gona be such a blast. First play threw unfolding the rest of the stroy, and then play few times more to try out different classes and then there's is team defense multilayer and...
  10. Xsifilad

    Need help finding a space mining strategy/tycoon game

    Hello i am looking for a game. It was advertised on web adds. In the add it had like a little animated story to it, where a guy would go like, "Hello my name is professor something and i discovered this amazing planet with unimaginable amount of resources,(and something happened to him and you...
  11. Xsifilad

    Mist of Panderias first victims !

    A very sound point, i agree. Although if we refine what i said to a finer detail i would say that twinking higher is less lazy then twinking lower.
  12. Xsifilad

    My 49 prot warrior

    u solo it on your twink? or just dual box with 2 acs?
  13. Xsifilad

    <Doesnt Like You> (Info and Videos)

    IMHO i dont like how your dmg is displayed, it dose not look fun at all, where is the big numbers popping above targets head? 90% of the fun in wow is watching big numbers pop over ppls heads.
  14. Xsifilad

    Mist of Panderias first victims !

    I am not the biggest fan of sub 39 pvp, in fact i hate it because ppl are too lazy to level up to a bracket with more depth(39 and above). It might sound harsh but even though this sprint and shadowstep nerf might ruin lower brackets, it also might force some ppl to level up and populate higher...
  15. Xsifilad

    help for a noob 80 please.

    Yeah with a priest you can play both disc and shadow. Disc is rly powerful healer i don't know why there are so few of them, and shadow is better then ele for sho. While thunderstruck is a good ability dispersion gives way more longevity.
  16. Xsifilad

    is this bracket only active US or is there still EU 49s that que at certain times ?

    Last i heard US is having few organized BG days. EU is like a big empty dessert, its all abandoned and forgotten. Mostly ppl(like me) do 49 twinks for the fun of gearing, coz there are no games popping.
  17. Xsifilad

    Alliance won a BG!

    Lol my post that u quoted disappeared somewhere, i guess it was abit off topic, but then this entire thread is swinging on and off topic.
  18. Xsifilad

    My 49 prot warrior

    Very lovely character, nice transmodifications. I am thinking arena grand master trinket > heart of nixon, but i am sure your know about that. And i cant rly thing of anything else atm.
  19. Xsifilad


    The death ray is srsly one bad @ss trinket, back in the day i had 4k crits out of that baby. But yeah if you are going to move up, the goblin stuff starts to look better with mining helmet, and rocket launcher trinkets.
  20. Xsifilad

    Looking to start a 39 resto shaman

    As far as i hear it, this bracket got 2 good healer classes and, shaman is not one of them. But lets wait for an expert to arrive and hear his side of the story shall we?