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  1. Lithogen

    Guy's been streaming live for 119+ hours, no sleep.

    119 hours with only 4 hours of sleep? Kidneys are cheap now a days... he'll be fine.
  2. Lithogen

    Does Blizz even adress issues for f2p?

    "GM's are customer service reps for Blizzard." That's actually pretty accurate. When my internet starts getting wonky the mouth on the other end of the phone has only a handful of things to say and do. Sometimes they don't want to do their job and try to feed me a line of shit, but I call them...
  3. Lithogen

    Does Blizz even adress issues for f2p?

    That's pretty solid advice. Anytime you're not getting what you want out of something, it's time to re-evaluate how much you should put into it. See, here's something that people need to learn, and it's the definitions of value and worth. Does Blizzard value your opinion? No. Does Blizzard...
  4. Lithogen

    Does Blizz even adress issues for f2p?

    I don't think it's a matter of caring, but more of a matter why should they care? They claim to balance the game around endgame PvP and raiding, which they use the spaghetti attempt. (The spaghetti attempt is throwing handful after handful of wet spaghetti at a wall and whatever sticks is what...
  5. Lithogen

    F2Ps past 20

    Blizzard is still making billions a year, there's no reason for them to drop to making millions. (Going F2P then relying on microtransactions.) Not to mention Blizz has always been a company to watch where everyone is going then go the other way. WoW won't be F2P (even core) for a long time...
  6. Lithogen

    This is an AMAZING day for many

    The problem is that it's impossible to tell if he's kidding or not.
  7. Lithogen

    This is an AMAZING day for many

    There hasn't been an announcement yet on who's going to replace him, but I'm thinking Kalgan might fill the role for a bit since he's been there before. I don't play WoW anymore and never will, but it would be nice if a new guy brought some old school back WoW or brought WoW back to old school...
  8. Lithogen

    This is an AMAZING day for many

    I'm willing to go with quitting or being fired. With the game numbers dropping like they are, heads have to roll. And for Blizz to fire him would make the company look bad, especially after all the proof that he's destroying the game in favor of trying to bring money in by taking in every...
  9. Lithogen

    Shirty vs. Duopaladin 5 man

    cartman celebrates with kyles money - YouTube
  10. Lithogen

    Shirty 24 warrior preview

    Good video, I like the Evermorph. Is it like a counterstrike skin where it's you only or if other people are using Evermoprh can they see it too?
  11. Lithogen

    Who do you think is the best 24s in this bracket? (EU and US)

    I was on the A team for 24's before and after you were recruited, and you didn't do many of those either. An un-enchanted and horribly geared (for rated) Frost Mage. And I had never done rateds before, it never interested me. That doesn't make me bad, just unprepared. I also backed out of rated...
  12. Lithogen

    Who do you think is the best 24s in this bracket? (EU and US)

    Some people have that one special person that can't do no wrong. I don't know the guy, nor have I seen him in a BG so I'm not going to call him bad. But look at Michael Jackson and OJ. Some say he did it, others say not. But they still have their fans that will never stop believing.
  13. Lithogen

    Petrospill & Blackvenom Blade

    If you're looking for the dot proc the Toxic Revenger does the same thing and to people around, so you might even uncover a druid or rogue. The DPS is higher, but lacks the 8 agi. The agi is the only thing that makes it appealing to me.
  14. Lithogen

    Who do you think is the best 24s in this bracket? (EU and US)

    I think it's akin to being a NASCAR fan. Jeff Gordon can lose 10 races in a row and he's still a god in the eyes of his fans. Who the hell knows?
  15. Lithogen

    Who do you think is the best 24s in this bracket? (EU and US)

    Spirestone is bad and you've fit in nicely. But don't worry Nicholas, I'll be sure to delete the screenshots.
  16. Lithogen

    Who do you think is the best 24s in this bracket? (EU and US)

    You showing up to try and be snooty made me smile even more. 0/10
  17. Lithogen

    Who do you think is the best 24s in this bracket? (EU and US)

    These threads make me smile.
  18. Lithogen

    Why did Google + fail?

    I quit messing with FASEBOOK and other sites like it. Too many porn bots and people trying to link you to keyloggers and rootkits. I'm willing to take a shot and say that Google make it overly complicated to use or the interface had a screwy layout that make your eyes bleed. Google tends to...
  19. Lithogen

    Transmoging looms

    Something to add. BoA's list as a certain type on the character, but function as the next armor class up. Meaning that If you try to transmog the Champion Deathdealer's Breastplate, it shows as leather on your toon, but you can't mog it with leather, it has to be mail. Also the quest item...
  20. Lithogen

    60 vs. 64: Bring the Item Squish!

    I see a lot of people whine about this game, yet still continue to pay for it. I despise blizzard for their lack of foresight (caused by greed) as much as or more than anyone. Their never ending hunger for money has destroyed a lot of things, two of the most important is their fanbase/community...