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  1. sxcpablo

    Exile's Reach EXP

    In the current state of the game, Are you able to finish Exile's Reach at lvl 10 below 30% exp?? I've done just the necessary quest (I think there's only 2 skipable, the one where you kill the bear and the one where you release the light elemental) and killed only the necessary mobs (skipping...
  2. sxcpablo

    Can't enter Plaguefall

    Hi, I haven't check the dungeon finder yet but you can no longer enter plaguefall through the normal entrance. It says it requires lvl 50.
  3. sxcpablo

    Question ilvl 59 BFA weapon enchant

    Hi guys, it seems like BFA enchants are the only alternative to put on ilvl 59 weapons, what would be the best weapon enchant option for arcane mage and guardian druid in the current patch? (I miss you elemental force :PepeHands:)
  4. sxcpablo

    Righteous Orb as a F2P Warrior

    Hello guys, I'm having a hard time trying to solo Stratholme as a F2P Warrior, I can't make it past the first zone; also I'm kind of in a pinch, because I messed up and I alraedy learned crusader (with vanilla enchant 300 and everything), any tips on how to do this solo? Should I juggle...
  5. sxcpablo

    chest enchant is only giving +3 to all stats

    As the title says is this the new normal?, i've seen the armory and everyone has +4 to all stats in the chest enchant, i don't know if it is a bug or something but i can only get +3, i've tried with wotlk and tbc enchants and they only give +3, any info on this?
  6. sxcpablo

    Mark of the Hidden Satyr question

    Hello, i've been playing with a lvl 10 arcane mage on a f2p vet account for a couple of weeks, i already learned the rank 2 Mark of the Hidden Satyr, but i can´t get enough chaos crystal to make this enchant, i managed to get 6 DE upgraded items from quest, but i'm stuck, i tried crafting rank 2...