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  1. Soryo

    Level 10 Rogue Twink Guide [Cataclysm Classic]

    Feels so good to see you back at it. :PogChamp:
  2. Soryo

    Cataclysm 14s and 29s

    Will we be getting a dedicated 10-14 section on the Cata sub forum?
  3. Soryo

    Who is genuinely excited for Cataclysm classic?

    A lot of people hated cata. I loved it. I twinked a lot. Felt good. Added a lot of QoL updates. There won’t be any F2P I think, just due to the fact that your classic comes with normal membership. 10s and 19s for me. 10 haste stacking and open world pvp was so much fun. Just personal experience...
  4. Soryo

    Cataclysm Classic

    This. Was such a strong time for 10s. Haste staking at its finest. Westfall will once again be Horde Territory <3
  5. Soryo

    19 Twink insta-BiS Wotlk PServer

    My twink guild is still running on Westfall, but with work picking up I don't have a ton of free time. I have a 74 hunter but havent had patience to get it to 80 to farm heirlooms. Or else I'd be on classic :s Gonna start a 20 on Retail rn. Cig what realm is your 20s on? I heard you guys did...
  6. Soryo

    19 Twink insta-BiS Wotlk PServer

    Yup. Didn't see the dates. *sigh* it's always dead.
  7. Soryo

    19 Twink insta-BiS Wotlk PServer

    I miss Hamcakeland so much. Count me in. Discord link? and please keep us updated. Can't wait <3
  8. Soryo

    took two months, got two lvl-10 DHs out of starter zone

    Wait, so how do you get a DH out of their starting zone without dinging?
  9. Soryo

    Why don't you twink in Wotlk?

    Just started twinking in Wrath Classic. Joined <Golden Twinkies> - Westfall (let’s go fam), but definitely feeling the burn when leveling my main to max just for heirlooms. With not much time to play it’s definitely obnoxious to have to waste so much effort for a few items, but it is what it is.
  10. Soryo

    10's in WOTLK

    Ngl, somewhat excited to see Cata as I didn’t assume they would be moving on with it. I’m sure they’ll keep Wrath servers though. Too iconic. Loved my 19 warrior in Cata. Been chasing that thrill ever since.
  11. Soryo

    Farming Friends (10s EDITION) (Btag List) (EU/NA/OCE)

    NA: Taylor#1427 @Kel’thuzad [D]
  12. Soryo

    It's Corona Time!

    It's Corona Time!
  13. Soryo

    Veteran's Armory List (RETIRED)

  14. Soryo

    EU+US LFM Complaints about my Consumable Usage

    I just spent 15k on 200 swift pots and 500 gliders. I don't know what realm you're on but that's a rough economy if you spent 1mil gold.
  15. Soryo

    US Vet Wargames

    I'm definitely down for some Wargames. Obviously I can't predict if I'll have something going on until closer to the weekend, but should be relatively free. Weekends though. I work night shift weekdays.
  16. Soryo

    Twink Changes Coming in SL... (opinions?)

    Hello everyone! With the new updates being released by Blizzard about Shadowlands and the upcoming level squish it got me thinking about changes to the twink community that may come with it. Every expansions we get either helpful additions, or additions that make it difficult to keep twinking...
  17. Soryo

    Veteran's Armory List (RETIRED) Skït - Moon Guard 20 Veteran Fury Warrior
  18. Soryo

    Twink Activity?

    Hey everyone, I know this is asked a lot, but what brackets are currently the most active for XPoff BGs (non-F2P)? -Soryo
  19. Soryo

    US The 19's Directory (Armory, Guilds, Social Media)

    19 Arcane Mage Opruh 19 Assassination Rogue Swagalicious
  20. Soryo

    Veteran's Armory List (RETIRED)

    20 Fury Warrior Vet Skït