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  1. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    At least ToT should be summonable - since it is one from short list for 20 in retail
  2. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Can't help laughin on op cloak. It's so deadly that the game itself fail to handle it. This time i went to the final q in vally/karasara, The Savior of Stoneplaw And i just can't beat kunchong face strong enough - i hit tim for few %% and that insect heals back immideately. Brief googling has...
  3. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Last 3-4 days the hub was in JadeF, maybe its moved permanently, idk. Focusing charms there and its quite fast, nearly there (no idea what for i do that lol)
  4. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Nah its totally fine and you probably came to the point where you can do celestials. But otherwise its quite unrewarding, and probably getting bronze with alts is more efficient.
  5. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Another thing making me :pepeW: meh I just noticed, that mastery also has hard cap at ... almost the same number, i.e. 221.10% Is ~222 a magic number for remix stats?
  6. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    hunter, with double trailblazer (talent and cogwheel) + pet buff. ofc, buffed speed is getting lower in combat and you may prefer active buffs for speedrunnig dungeons etc, but with current omfg dps downtime is miserable.
  7. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    At first, people thought of its a bug and game still condider evokers 58 so no f2p but - if it wasnt fixed for 2 weeks alrdt, maybe thet just dont wanna fix it. We are not their target grp, after all.
  8. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    when they wanna bronze - we wont judge, we all need it when they wanna threads - we can pity them, poor 70s are so powerless (well mostly, those who went froggy way are fine) what do i miss? maybe charms, but they are of limited use.
  9. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    I remember this problem was described at the very launch - and i thought they did something to fix this. Apart from buying a sub. Yep, just tried, i was able to create this class but never logon
  10. Wisely

    F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    Glowcap festival: not working for me
  11. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Tyvm for starter info, only need to invent a bunch of fresh names now, decide on class/race/fraction setup and maybe create a new exiles colony on some connected realm for future full-36bags-twinks :KKomrade:
  12. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Mkay, mount-grind part is over, only need like 100k for that - providing, ofc, i had all the actuals from retail. Now to xmog grind.
  13. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Stack as usual, machinist's oil
  14. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Only you dant even have to wait totem cd / ooze proc, you just run as hot knife thtough butter. RIP that feeling of 1st hc facebreaking scenario lol - like woops that toxic pool really really hurts!
  15. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Do you? Last time i tried to tag at wed-thu or so, few times, in few zones. Got nothing and decided to skip them forever. Same for scouts.
  16. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Game working as intended, i pick the orb and got this: (Craft 100 potions with Alchemy prof).
  17. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    You dont need that much to go alone, at 700 you can do almost anything except celestials and scenarios - last one by design, and warbringers need some more if you decide to kill em for some reason
  18. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    No use for them quite soon, i'm hardcapped at 222% passive speed (226 with racial) - i have no idea why, but all speed gear gems going out. Same for crit >100, only stacking mastery maybe vers.
  19. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    Sha gonna be fine soon - you will zerg it before mc. Almost there, and my toon isn't top notch. And why do you want warbringers and lesser ones, if they gave nothing?
  20. Wisely

    Mists of Pandaria Remix

    I had run into speed hardcap qiute fast, no matter what i do i cant run faster than 222% on my char (passive buffs, active one still could improve a bit) - speed rating just doesnt workl futher.