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  1. A Secret Cabal of 60 elites

    It occurred to me that after all this time as a DF 60 (a 379 twink) that the issues in this bracket and probably also (with different people) at 70 is the secret cabal. It is the possible existence of a handful of nerd techies who are so fragile emotionally that their entire mission in life (not...
  2. How dumb these forums are ...

    Can someone please ban me. All of the people on here are mentally challenged. I didn't get one normal respones to anything I posted. Now, it turns out, I can't delte my profile. I would prefer not to have any info remain on this sophmoric flame hub. PS: you're all morons. Goodby and thanks for...
  3. Ethics in BG backlash?

    At first I thought I was getting good responses. Oops. It is weird to me that an entire global culture misses the value of discussion on a deeper level. Both the discussion and the depth seem off-putting to them. It really is an eye-opener and explains why people don't consider being more...
  4. Part 3 (part 1?) is there a RL?

    The second part of the ethics discussion garnered much more sophisticated responses. Which is interesting. Evolution? It occurs to me though that if the discussion (about ethics) is going to continue, we need to take a step back. To what academics call metaethics. What is the beginning of...
  5. Social ethics in MMOs?

    I think if you look at the responses to my posts, the nuanced and implicit question I was asking has more of an answer. The difference between how humans socialize digitally and in real life seems to be remarkably different when, in fact, given the amount of digital socialization we do, it ought...
  6. Are there ethics in Wow Bgs?

    This is a twink question, to be clear. Are there ethics to be followed when playing wow, specifically in bgs? With the new imbalances in the 60 twink bracket and with exploit v. regular content gear, the question has really arisen whether there is a right or wrong way to play. I assume, the...
  7. Life as a 60s DF, Part 2

    So what is available for 60 twinks now? Nothing. As of the new patch, Mar 21, the highest gear is normal pve 246 or manual instance 285. Neither of these ilvls comes close to the target which is 300. This is why DF is an issue for twinks. The levelers are more mad than usual, the stuns have...
  8. Life as a 60 Twink in DF ...

    part one: Why DF is different than SL. SL twinks lived in BFA. They were locked at 50. What made 50s different was that the original content (BFA) was for the most part fully available. Once the "cheats" were nerfed (SL gear) the 50s were free to work toward ilvl 140 (?) gear within the BFA...