[Official] PUG BG Rules/Guidelines


Boostz or Boots
39s Teamspeak: ts.laggygamerz.com
39s Qlist: Bisnation.net Ghetto Q List | bisnation.net

-All Consumables: Health Pots, Elixers, Speed Potions, Invis Pots, all Eng trinkets/items/bombs (except Flash/Arcane).
-Jump: Bottom to Top of Tunnel jump for both factions. (The Alliance/Horde Roof Alcove spots are also fine).
-Jump: Horde Fence. (Ally can use to get out, Horde can use to get in).

Not Allowed:
-The Brewmaster ability 'Guard' unless the Brewmaster is physically holding the flag.
-Any jump in any BG that is not specifically listed in 'Allowed'.
-Flash Bombs/Arcane Bombs.
-Griefing/Abusing players in TS.

Any issues that arise in the future will be discussed by the 39s PUG committee: Scope, Nastay, Goldenclaw, Livingforce, Boostz(me).

Please contact one of the above players if you need clarification or general help.

As always, I am available to the 39s community: boostzau#1966
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Boostz and i had a good talk about this and felt we need to have this up for guidance for people who weren't sure what the pug rules are.

Thus, lays all previous issues related to this topic to rest.
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Full disclosure: I'm going to the beach this weekend and won't be around this Saturday (turning 27 today as well :)).
I'm jealous of the games I'll miss Saturday.

GET ON TeamSpeak!!! Especially Alliance!
Just for clarification, and not to open up the floodgates for a semantics war, I'd like to make sure a few things aren't classified as "jumps."

Places you don't need to perform a stationary jump at any point to get to, like going over the horde wall, or up and over stumps (not the one near horde rejuv hut) probably shouldn't be classified as jumps for these ban purposes.

Likewise, that little spike spot in TP on alliance ramp that mvpee likes to camp on sometimes to juke melee who overshoot it. That's just approaching it cautiously with a vertical jump, then forward motion, like dropping off ToT to the secondary roof.

By and large it's definitely common sense, just making sure though.
lol what is a pug commitee

A special taskforce designed for the sole purpose of mopping up after gaytwinker and mvpee.

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