throwaway pvp twink that is not hard to gear


New Member
i wanted to have some fun in low level bgs with exp enabled and get some otherwise pretty hard to get achievements. the thing is, i dont wanna waste so much time on gearing (farm warforged gear) or use the exploit for 155 gear. my idea is something along the lines of getting to like level 17, get some gear and then do bgs until im 20 and delete the character.
are there any other sources for gear that is better than what youre supposed to get (i know it probably wont be as powerful as the mentioned ways of gearing)? it can be pretty much any level, 17 was just an example.
i wanted to have some fun in low level bgs with exp enabled and get some otherwise pretty hard to get achievements. the thing is, i dont wanna waste so much time on gearing (farm warforged gear) or use the exploit for 155 gear. my idea is something along the lines of getting to like level 17, get some gear and then do bgs until im 20 and delete the character.
are there any other sources for gear that is better than what youre supposed to get (i know it probably wont be as powerful as the mentioned ways of gearing)? it can be pretty much any level, 17 was just an example.

39s are really easy to gear. Hit lvl 30, buy the pvp gear for marks of honor and you are set. Then there are bunch of new pvp gear pieces available at lvl 35 that you can also buy for marks of honor.
17 to 20 will happen fast. best disposable usually is starting at 12 hunter/arc mages, start with XP off, load up all BOAs with enchants, some blue items for the 4 slots not covered by BOAs, enchant those. turn on XP, delete when you hit 20
If you are not really bad in pvp, just enchant heirlooms and do pvp from 10. It's fun and you don't need to gear. I have made several warlocks that way, just to so some pvp, since f2p 20 is no fun. I could just play up to 20, but I think you will be fine in higher bgs.
only way blizz can stop this is to remove the XP off option. since it's inception it's been exploited in leveling XP on BGs except during
Legion xpac when templates for PVP negated alot of twink power and BGs were merged

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