MOP Beta: how are lvl 60-64 brackets?


I didn’t get beta but I’m really curious. For those who did get the beta can I ask you guys some questions?

- Are Rogues and Mages still OP?
- What classes/specs are dominating right now?
- Has the MOP resilience changes balanced this bracket?
i seriously doubt 60-64 BGs are rolling on BETA or any other twink bracket
Atm, rogue and mages are still on the top, warrios became monsters and warlocks are pretty good now, I'm worried bout druids now though. Shamans are becoming good too. I hope paladins get a nerf too but I didnt see any in the beta yet.
And to answer the question about the resillience, so far, nothing goes down quickly and healers are becoming raid bosses atm. IT IS less bursty but if you want to balance this bracket out the healer should be reduced by A LOT.

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