Cant queue BG at 20 (f2p)

Cant queue BG at 20 (f2p)

been years since i logged over here although i was fairly active on twinkinfo back in LK days. never stopped playing, but the xp in bg thing is a drag, as you level out super quick even with leaving BG before the end. decided to try f2p on an old acct, but when i try to queue BG it tells me "free trial accounts cannot perform that action"

a bit of background: seeing my xp bar was still there, i went to besten and locked. now i cant unlock (even though he takes my 10g for doing it, it has no effect)

is this a bug thats just never going to be fixed and will i need to just level up another to 20 and Dont Do That?5
Known bug.

methods to fix:
  1. (If vet) Pay sub, unlock exp and ask for a refund/transfer to other account
  2. (F2p) open gm ticket and ask for manual enabling of XP reference the xpdisabled bug not allowing you to queue BGs

Note. if you sub on a pure f2p account you will level past 20 due to banked exp.

also note. Queue times are absolutely atrocious right now. Expect to wait over an hour or longer most days/times.
ty for fast response. been playing 19s for over 15 yrs. the xp thing sucks but delete/reroll worked for years but it seems like bliz increases bg xp every xpac. for a long time the xpoff debuff was easily useable, but i know of no way to currently make it work more than 1 in 20 times or so, basically random. i play BGs to win, and hate killfarmers, so never considered the xpoff debuff to be a cheat, it just allowed me to play more BGs. since the recent fix, although i do see some scumbag farmers who still know how to do it, its not worth the effort, hence the f2p angle. have cancelled all 3 of my accts with the current nerf of the debuff sad to leave the game, but bliz doesnt care
Yeah sorry you’re not gonna get much sympathy for debuff exploitation here.

Especially considering that whoever is remaining these days from the 20s crowd are mostly the “alternative end game” variety.

hope things work out for your f2p
Yeah sorry you’re not gonna get much sympathy for debuff exploitation here.

Especially considering that whoever is remaining these days from the 20s crowd are mostly the “alternative end game” variety.

hope things work out for your f2p

not really looking for sympathy. i despise the type of players that play brackets with xp off and exploit gear only to endlessly destroy opposing players slaughtering in the enemy gy etc. i have watched the game slowly devolve over the years because of this type of behaviour. the xpoff debuff to me was never a way to extend my ability to "pwn sum nubs" it was a way to extend my gameplay in the manner i enjoy: winning BGs. i like the challange of playing lower bracket bg, and since late LK when xp was added its been an endless de-evolution of the game. bliz makes changes that are "intended to balance" the game (like moving the GY in wsg which only made it worse, or adding a timer to the match). i dont play locked xp because i only have a limited time to play every day (maybe an hour here or there) and sitting in a 2hr queue for 1 locked xp match is a complete waste of that time, and even being able to play requires that i group or guild with other players. i dont do top tier 1) because i refuse to engage in the skinner-box that is top tier, and 2) i dont particulary like grouping or friending other people as they try to monopolize my play time by engaging in their preferred play. i just want to do a few pugs, and log out. xpoff debuff was a way to extend that play time but still put a "timer" on the toon as xp wasnt eliminated, just limited
I'm trying to figure out if you're playing a f2p 20 or xp debuff 19s. (I don't care either way)
If its the prior, just open a ticket, there's a bug where if you disable your xp on a f2p you cant re-enable it.
sad part about that is 20s get matched only in 20-29 xp locked. Although it is the most popular bracket, queue times are pretty long.
I'm trying to figure out if you're playing a f2p 20 or xp debuff 19s. (I don't care either way) ...
i have several accounts, 1 of which is expired. i play 19s on my accts currently, though ive cancelled my active subs. the expired acct has the 20 i was trying f2p on

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