Dragonflight F2P Baseline Guide

Not sure where you got it about your first question but I haven't seen such need. For Auchindoun, you can just walk into it solo. There are other dungeons in other expansions not in LFG but you can walk into.
Not sure where you got it about your first question but I haven't seen such need. For Auchindoun, you can just walk into it solo. There are other dungeons in other expansions not in LFG but you can walk into.
With regards to my first question, as stated in the question, it's stated in the guide;
2.6. Shadowlands intro - Shadowlands: A Chilling Summons
* You can progress through the 4 zones but at different times (mainly portal related) you need to group with someone in legion Chromie Time that has the same story advancement.
I was just wondering if there was something I didn't know about that would explain why that was in there.

With regards to Auchindoun, I've currently not explored that region yet, nor do I think I have sufficient gear to try it solo and succeed. All the sources I've found online seem to say that Auchindoun is available for LFG starting at level 20, which I am at. Is there some other prerequisite I am missing?
Hi! I'm a fairly new player to wow and have only ever done the free trial - I dabbled in it in high school and recently reinstalled it about 2 weeks ago. I've got to say, this guide has been the greatest resource of information I've ever stumbled upon for any niche endeavor in a video game, so thank you! All the guides on other websites, including wowhead, have contained wildly false information for f2ps, but this one has been extremely detailed and accurate.

There are, however, two things that I thought I'd ask about.
Firstly, with regards to the Shadowlands Intro, the guide says that at some times you have to group with someone in legion Chromie Time, but I haven't run into that yet. I think I'm about halfway through the Maldraxxus story line. Are the mentioned parts all after this?

Secondly, I only see three dungeons in the WoD dungeon finder. The one I'm missing is Auchindoun. While it may be the worst one to farm on, I still need to get my garrison inn quests done on it. Any clue why this might be happening?

Before July 2023 Chromie time was not available for F2P, so you had to group with someone with Chromie time available. Now this problem is gone - F2P has access to Chromie time.
You need it for Shadowlands intro, for portal to Shadowlands, for mining ore in Shadowlands and for queueing into other expansions through dungeon finder.
I've got another question - I've gotten Infinitely Divisible Ooze and have been soloing Iron Docks ever since. It's way more efficient than trying to lfg, but I'm running into issues. Mainly, I a)can't seem to keep ooze up between bosses like I've seen others do and b)can't seem to consistently get an ooze to spawn on a boss before I die. I'm playing marksman hunter, which I assume has some trouble with survivability, but I've got a ferocity pet, and I'm still consistently dying in about 20 seconds or so if I don't spawn an ooze, since the bosses are immune to taunts from my pet. Am I missing something either in terms of proccing ooze, keeping the ooze around, or living longer against bosses?

As a side note, I'm also getting really low on health from running through all the random mobs between bosses. My current solution this is to stack up alterac swiss between bosses, but I also assume there must be a better way.
I've got another question - I've gotten Infinitely Divisible Ooze and have been soloing Iron Docks ever since. It's way more efficient than trying to lfg, but I'm running into issues. Mainly, I a)can't seem to keep ooze up between bosses like I've seen others do and b)can't seem to consistently get an ooze to spawn on a boss before I die. I'm playing marksman hunter, which I assume has some trouble with survivability, but I've got a ferocity pet, and I'm still consistently dying in about 20 seconds or so if I don't spawn an ooze, since the bosses are immune to taunts from my pet. Am I missing something either in terms of proccing ooze, keeping the ooze around, or living longer against bosses?

As a side note, I'm also getting really low on health from running through all the random mobs between bosses. My current solution this is to stack up alterac swiss between bosses, but I also assume there must be a better way.
First off I'd suggest getting Shadowgrasp Totem as second trinket and to use it on the 2nd and 4th boss. Stack haste to get ooze to proc more quickly. Also suggest going without a pet and using 'Lone Wolf' talent. I typically just kite the 1st/3rd bosses until I get a ooze proc and totem burns down the others in seconds.
I've got another question - I've gotten Infinitely Divisible Ooze and have been soloing Iron Docks ever since. It's way more efficient than trying to lfg, but I'm running into issues. Mainly, I a)can't seem to keep ooze up between bosses like I've seen others do and b)can't seem to consistently get an ooze to spawn on a boss before I die. I'm playing marksman hunter, which I assume has some trouble with survivability, but I've got a ferocity pet, and I'm still consistently dying in about 20 seconds or so if I don't spawn an ooze, since the bosses are immune to taunts from my pet. Am I missing something either in terms of proccing ooze, keeping the ooze around, or living longer against bosses?

As a side note, I'm also getting really low on health from running through all the random mobs between bosses. My current solution this is to stack up alterac swiss between bosses, but I also assume there must be a better way.
As a hunter you can run through mobs and then use fake death to drop aggro. Ooze procs are random, sometimes it takes a long time to spawn.
As a long time hunter, these are a few helpful things for PVE:
- Get a spirit pet, meaning BM rather MM
- Get the belt spiral heal/nitro boost and rotate
- Adjust your talent points for heal
- Feign death
- Precious bloodthorn ring
- roll nightelf
- Misdirection talent

Iron Dock is definitely OK with mount. But for Slag mine is quite a challenge to run through mobs. Daze is the main issue. I feel daze creates a big gap between stealth and non-stealth and shall be removed from game.

The totem is also very helpful but only works below legion, and it is quite painful for hunter to get (queue time is very long for DPS and if RNG not favor you)
Off topic, but just my two cents, as I keep coming to this guide for it's valuable F2P information.

Playing as an Alliance char, I keep my HS on Boralus instead of Stormwind, as the portals there to SW and IF are really close, and the SW port takes you directly to the SW portal room, giving quick access to all the other places.

Also, you get a Transmogrifier next door to the Inn, so that's a plus.
Once again, ty for all the assistance. I've opted to add misdirection and queue for shadowgrasp totem while I work on optimizing my grind.

Weirdly though, I've run into another issue - twice now for me, the second boss of Iron Docks has not dropped any loot. The first time, I'd skipped them by running through while the monologue was happening, did the other bosses, then went back around afterwards and tried to kill the trio. They dropped no loot, which I speculated had something to do with the fact that I'd killed the last boss already. The second time they dropped no loot, however, I was just doing the dungeon normally, and they simply dropped not loot after I killed them. I do believe that this was the run right after the previous one, so maybe that one impacted it in some way? Has anyone else ever encountered this?

Edit: 3 times now. I'm getting the feeling I might've broken Iron Docks's 2nd boss.
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Weirdly though, I've run into another issue - twice now for me, the second boss of Iron Docks has not dropped any loot. The first time, I'd skipped them by running through while the monologue was happening, did the other bosses, then went back around afterwards and tried to kill the trio. They dropped no loot, which I speculated had something to do with the fact that I'd killed the last boss already. The second time they dropped no loot, however, I was just doing the dungeon normally, and they simply dropped not loot after I killed them. I do believe that this was the run right after the previous one, so maybe that one impacted it in some way? Has anyone else ever encountered this?

Edit: 3 times now. I'm getting the feeling I might've broken Iron Docks's 2nd boss.
I remember somebody posting, a while back, that if you kill the female orc caster first and then take "too long" (not sure how long) to kill the other 2, that can cause something (perhaps like a corpse despawning before you have a chance to loot it?) that makes it so you don't get an item drop. Though, I believe, you still get gold. I remember reading that before I ever thought it was possible to solo dungeons and, as such, I've always made sure to kill her last; I haven't had an incident where she didn't drop any loot. Not sure if that pertains to your particular situation, but hopefully it helps.
I remember somebody posting, a while back, that if you kill the female orc caster first and then take "too long" (not sure how long) to kill the other 2, that can cause something (perhaps like a corpse despawning before you have a chance to loot it?) that makes it so you don't get an item drop. Though, I believe, you still get gold. I remember reading that before I ever thought it was possible to solo dungeons and, as such, I've always made sure to kill her last; I haven't had an incident where she didn't drop any loot. Not sure if that pertains to your particular situation, but hopefully it helps.
I am killing her first because I had deemed her the largest threat, thank you for letting me know about this! I'll test this next time I try to solo the dungeon!

Edit: Killed Nessa (the gunner/bomber) first this time, and the orc caster second. Items dropped like normal! Thank you!
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I remember somebody posting, a while back, that if you kill the female orc caster first and then take "too long" (not sure how long) to kill the other 2, that can cause something (perhaps like a corpse despawning before you have a chance to loot it?) that makes it so you don't get an item drop. Though, I believe, you still get gold. I remember reading that before I ever thought it was possible to solo dungeons and, as such, I've always made sure to kill her last; I haven't had an incident where she didn't drop any loot. Not sure if that pertains to your particular situation, but hopefully it helps.

Koramar yells: Argghhhh! Forget it! They'll never make it past the tracks. Makogg, Ahri'ok - front and center! There's some new meat for you to tenderize.
Ahri'ok Dugru yells: Right away, captain! It will be my pleasure.
Makogg Emberblade yells: Hah. Ditto.
Neesa Nox yells: Ooooh! Is there killin' ta be done? Lemme at'em!
Running into another issue soloing dungeons. I've swapped from Iron Docks to Shadowmoon Burial Grounds because I need cloak and boots drops at this point. However, there are two things that are sometimes killing me and seriously slowing my runs when they do; Plagued Bat and Exhumed Spirit.

I'm currently dealing with Plagued Bat by a)hugging the left wall in their first encounter near the spiders; b) trying to get the timing right across the bridge to not aggro them; c) using precious bloodthorn loop at the last group of two bats and a bunch of spiders. However, in the cases where I misposition, mistime, or I still draw aggro while using loop for some reason, I'm still dying to them, which sends me all the way back to the start of the dungeon.

I've no clue how I'm supposed to deal with Exhumed Spirits besides "just kill them", though. Their attack does ~40% of my health, which means that 3 of them means I die and 2 of them + one of the dudes that spawn them also means I get very close to dying. I can't seem to redirect their aggro with my pet, and I can't just run from them because their cast range seems to be massive. Feign Death and Counter Shot work well on them, but there's ~5-6 of them coming in groups of as little as 2 at a time, so relying on them seems like it'd take a huge amount of time.

Any tips on dealing with these guys?
Running into another issue soloing dungeons. I've swapped from Iron Docks to Shadowmoon Burial Grounds because I need cloak and boots drops at this point. However, there are two things that are sometimes killing me and seriously slowing my runs when they do; Plagued Bat and Exhumed Spirit.

I'm currently dealing with Plagued Bat by a)hugging the left wall in their first encounter near the spiders; b) trying to get the timing right across the bridge to not aggro them; c) using precious bloodthorn loop at the last group of two bats and a bunch of spiders. However, in the cases where I misposition, mistime, or I still draw aggro while using loop for some reason, I'm still dying to them, which sends me all the way back to the start of the dungeon.

I've no clue how I'm supposed to deal with Exhumed Spirits besides "just kill them", though. Their attack does ~40% of my health, which means that 3 of them means I die and 2 of them + one of the dudes that spawn them also means I get very close to dying. I can't seem to redirect their aggro with my pet, and I can't just run from them because their cast range seems to be massive. Feign Death and Counter Shot work well on them, but there's ~5-6 of them coming in groups of as little as 2 at a time, so relying on them seems like it'd take a huge amount of time.

Any tips on dealing with these guys?

Plagued bats don't attack if you pass the bridge in stealth. They are not necessary to kill for the boss to spawn. Kill the first worm while standing near it (don't let it kick you off the bridge), use stealth (ring if your class doesn't have stealth) and unstealth next to the second worm spawn point.

Exhumed spirits appear if you step on runes on the ground. There is a way to not trigger any runes - after the first boss run forward between runes, when you enter the boss cave run next to the right wall and jump up. I'm not 100% sure but I think that pets and minions can trigger runes as well. If you trigger any runes before the first boss then hide next to the right wall in the boss cave so that mobs have to run close to you to cast their spells and pop Shadowgrasp totem to mow them down and the boss as well.

There are 2 hidden runes in the water after the second boss so be careful.
Plagued bats don't attack if you pass the bridge in stealth. They are not necessary to kill for the boss to spawn. Kill the first worm while standing near it (don't let it kick you off the bridge), use stealth (ring if your class doesn't have stealth) and unstealth next to the second worm spawn point.

Exhumed spirits appear if you step on runes on the ground. There is a way to not trigger any runes - after the first boss run forward between runes, when you enter the boss cave run next to the right wall and jump up. I'm not 100% sure but I think that pets and minions can trigger runes as well. If you trigger any runes before the first boss then hide next to the right wall in the boss cave so that mobs have to run close to you to cast their spells and pop Shadowgrasp totem to mow them down and the boss as well.

There are 2 hidden runes in the water after the second boss so be careful.
My slime and scalehide might be stepping on the runes; I'll wait out the timer and dismiss my pet, respectively.

However, there are also two shadowmoon exhumers who spawn exhumed spirits. Are those not guaranteed?
I just got 16 slot reagent bag on my f2p character while doing a Dire Maul tribute run while farming the epic axe.
Seems like it was added in the most recent patch

edit: to clarify, when talking to the gnome*(goblin, not gnome) who usually gives you the ogre costume, he had a blue quest which gave me this as a reward - could only do it once (i assume it's a daily)

edit 2: I found out how to get it: the ogres in the dungeon will have a chance to drop a key, which you can turn in to the goblin as many times as keys you have in inventory (multiple times a day/dungeon)
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My slime and scalehide might be stepping on the runes; I'll wait out the timer and dismiss my pet, respectively.

However, there are also two shadowmoon exhumers who spawn exhumed spirits. Are those not guaranteed?
Maybe, I don't know, I play druid and use stealth so I never had that problem.

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