The War Within Updates - Warbands


It looks like in The War Within the characters on your account become a 'Warband'. This is turning a lot of character specific features into account-wide features. Here's some of the interesting bits:
  • New reputations and Renown tracks will be Warband-wide.
    • Also mentioned that they'll be adding older reputations to this, but it won't be live on release
  • A new Warband bank will allow you to easily store and share items [and many currencies] between your characters.
    • The Warband bank tab is in addition to your character-specific banks
    • Holds 98 additional items per tab, with the ability to pay gold for more tabs like a guild bank
    • All characters on your account can draw from and use the Warband bank
    • Also behaves like a reagent bank
  • The ability to collect most item appearances with any character in your Warband, regardless of their ability to equip the gear.
  • The Warbands system is an evergreen feature that [Blizzard plans] to continue expanding into the future.
And then there's this note about achievements:
With the introduction of Warbands, we want all achievements to be considered “Warband” achievements. You, the player, accomplished them, so you should not feel like you need to complete them on more than one character or feel like you do not want to play another character because they are missing achievements.

Given this, we are eliminating the concept of a character-based achievement score. From now on, a total Warband achievement score will be tracked and displayed instead.

The bank changes sound awesome, and I hope F2P and Vets will have access to it. Having an account wide twink tab loaded with gems, consumables, enchants, etc.? Yes please.

I'm a little bummed about the account wide achievements because my Vets are all on my main account... but on my F2P it'll be a cool feature. What do you guys think?
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It was also found out that you get 150% flying and Dragonriding at 20 in the alpha. So any 20s won't have to be remade using Pandaria Remix castoffs to be able to fly.

That plus the account wide bank were the two biggest things I was hoping for. The first tab costs 1000 gold, so hopefully there aren't any blocks and everyone can get it.

No more having to profession juggle for one thing. New alts can get what they need right away also. Plus your alts will be able to fly to gather what you want and just send it right back to your main. Best QOL improvement for vets/f2p since SL opened up all the new content.
The warbands sound great, but ... Flying... at 20?
Fly to 20? My godness noo...
I dunno, I'm pretty happy with flying as an option. It'll be really nice for leveling gathering professions, especially in dangerous areas. It'll also make getting to some TBC dungeons way less tedious... No more cannon and glider shenanigans.

If you want to enjoy a rainy day RP walking through Tirisfal that's still on the table :)
On the TWW Dynamic Flight preview video they say that characters can get dynamic flight at level 15 (1:23)
Yeah, when I made that post I had only heard about normal flying. The way its setup now is 15 for dynamic, 20 for 150% plus the toggle between it and dynamic and 30 for 310%.

Thanks for adding that video that explains more.
that warband bank has got twinking potential. let's hope they don't test it well and f2ps can use it.
could it be a f2p account can receive goods from a subbed acct? all my accts share achiev points, so warband means cross all accts associated with the login to me.
The bank changes sound awesome, and I hope F2P and Vets will have access to it. Having an account wide twink tab loaded with gems, consumables, enchants, etc.? Yes please.

I brought this up when they first announced Warbands on Blizzcon, that there might be a future where we'll have proffession characters on our f2p accounts, to funnel stuff we need through Warband-bank. However, seeing that it will be locked behind a gold-paywall, makes me doubt it tbf..

Even 1 accountwide bagslot would be pretty insane anyways, wich we'd be able to unlock if available
incoming xferring bops xband, with auto-adjusting ilvls like heirlooms lol

also lol, arachnophobia mode
Yeah, yeah... being able to fly will alloow us to get to all manner of places we're not supposed to be at 20, & that is well & good.
& really... there's nothing to keep me from just riding around on a ground mount if I want.
Shoulda seen the looks & psts I kept getting when I leveled in DF, riding around on the ground.
Yeah, yeah... being able to fly will alloow us to get to all manner of places we're not supposed to be at 20, & that is well & good.
& really... there's nothing to keep me from just riding around on a ground mount if I want.
Shoulda seen the looks & psts I kept getting when I leveled in DF, riding around on the ground.

Another ground mount enthusiast? :PepeComfy:
I prefer that every1 can have choices. But this resonates with me :KKomrade:
Tbh I feel like a good way to take it is : you don't need to use flying mounts but it is nice to have the option.

Because let's be real, ground mounts are kickass mounts.
I am confusion about warbands, when it was revealed it sounded like a warband was made up of maybe 5 of your chars (based on the pics only), but now they say its all chars on your account? Why not just call it an account wide bank then?

I know some f2ps that like the bank and achievement change, and some that don’t. I don’t really care, whenever f2p changes I adapt.

Already got profession alts maxxed in most expansion anyways for farming all the recent profession achievements.

Seems like first bank slot costs 1000g, so that one should be possible for f2ps at least. But like, do you even need more? Just store stuff in normal banks until it needs to be moved to a different char and then place it in the warband bank to access on an alt.

The new flying is okay, tons of dragonriding achievements to do and almost needed for Dragon Isles. But it kinda makes me miss the 60% speed days.
I dunno, I'm pretty happy with flying as an option. It'll be really nice for leveling gathering professions, especially in dangerous areas. It'll also make getting to some TBC dungeons way less tedious... No more cannon and glider shenanigans.

If you want to enjoy a rainy day RP walking through Tirisfal that's still on the table :)
The game has a huge number of ground mounts. Their extraction and use made sense only in the twenties. And now it will become just a mountain of garbage ((
Why not just call it an account wide bank then?

Account: Clinical. Techy. Reminiscent of real life.
Warband: Tough. Cool. Chesthair.

The player is no longer a character, they're a warleader controlling characters. Blizz has decided your fantasy

I think it's a silly name lol. Don't personally see a reason for it

Didn’t they hint that there was dynamic ground mounts though?

Please no... I already can't stand dynamic flying. I hope it won't be a big feature in TWW
Having not yet watched the informative vid, I recall having heard that Warband items are tradeable between members till soulbound.
If this is true, then one could feasibly farm all gear on one single toon, in legacy mode dungeons; & then divvy it out as it drops.

As per flying at 20, one of my favorite things about 20's is that I cannot fly. Given the option, obviously getting to, say : The Bot & the Mech, up to the ridge to farm apexis crystals & so.-on, without the need of a high level ride, is a fine advantage; but I liked the limitations. I remain of the mind that flying should be zone specific & temporary. Compelled flying was a huge mistake & 'Dynamic' flying is just gameifying that mistake. But... I'm sure I'll adjust.

( post Vid-watch edit )

- Warband Bank is 5k for first tab, 25k for 2nd, 100k for 3rd, 4th tab 500k & the 5th... 2.5m G's.
0,o dafuq?! Whatever... anyways, It seems it's an acct. wide guild bank, which is cool. Unfortunately, it will likely function the same way Gbank does, eliminating it from F2P use.
None-the-less, gear may be placed into the acct. Bank & claimed by any charcter on your acct. it seems. This would allow for cross realm / cross faction trading, assuming no restrictions.

- Reps for TWW will be acct-wide, but not the legacy reps... yet.

-Transmog collection will no longer suffer from class restriction.

- 'Delves' are... wasn't this just world content, now 'Instanced' ? psh...
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