Unlock Mechagon


New Member
Good afternoon, has it been discovered what the prerequisites are for a level 20 person to be able to unlock Mechagon?
I released it at level 60 about 2 years ago, however the mission that allows access is not available in my twink
1. you need a level 40+ player
2. you do the basic BFA main city intro that enables your portal room
3. a NPC near the main city FP will appear to start the mechagon questline
4. the level 40+ has to fully complete The Mechagonian Threat you can see daily quests before you fully complete it. thinking the zone is unlocked
5. once step 4 is done, alts level 10+ do step 2 and 3 above

dungeon for https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=13553/the-mechagonian-threat requires level 50+

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