What really grinds my gears?

20-24 drama. It's just a game. 2 things I've learned as a casual/active player.

Casual/active players can learn from an elitist is how to play better, but an Elitist can learn how to lose gracefully from most casual/ active players and not rage.

But when in doubt ask to yourself W.W.P.D? (What would Phron do?)

Elitist take this more serious as long as they don't go overboard with smack talk I don't mind. Pretty sure anyone who gets self worth and esteem from. a video game probably had rough real life so I give them a pass. Can't use " I steam rolled another premade" to seal the deal with a on the fence hottie.

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When I used to play my 24, it grinded my gears that other 24s expected me to GY farm with them haha.

"y u roll 24 if u don't gy farm?"

"To be OP when I'm stressed out, I rarely play my 24 unless I'm stressed."

"lol then faceroll with us"

"Or go after FC
If you consider yourself an elitist/are an elitist then this bracket isn't for you... lol

great point. Ain't nothing wrong with an elitist. When someone spots one in this bracket, let me know.

Back on topic : what really grinds my gears. Is having to feel the need to tip when I order something to go from a restaurant. On the receipt.
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I'm still at work, not looking good for my inner nerd. Maybe 11cst if I'm lucky.

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Ok that was funny Metro :)

I kept falling asleep while playing :confused:
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