1-9 Level 1 Rogue Guide

Boud's Guide to level 1 Rogue Twinking

Last Updated in 5.3

Table of Contents:

1. Glossary

2. Introduction

3. Gear & Enchants

4. Professions

5. Races & Macros

6. Consumables

7. Tips



1. Glossary


IMO - In My Opinion

Pouch - Furbolg Medicine Pouch

HP - Hit Points

BS - Blacksmith

PM - Private Message

LoS - Line of Sight

Grandfathered - It is no longer obtainable unless someone already has it.


2. Introduction


Why bother picking a level 1 Rogue? Isn't it just spamming sinister strike & GG? What does it matter which stats are prioritized - won't you just win/lose either way?

Level one twinks don't have many abilities, thus you must be careful when timing the items you have.

Many people say that twinking at level 1 requires no skill. Jedi masters basically only has a couple of abilities. I like to compare level one twinks to them - you wouldn't call a jedi master not skilled?

By using objects around you well, you can beat players above your gear level, and way above your character's level.

In this guide I will explain to you how to gear your level 1 twink & I will also provide some useful tips!


3. Gear & Enc


The following gear choices are almost always about maximizing damage, and increasing your survivability at the same time.

Grandfathered items - (*)
Horde Only - (H)
Alliance Only - (A)


1. Stained Shadowcraft Cap

2. Battered Jungle Hat


1. Voice Amplification Modulator

2. Soap on a Rope

Comments: 1&2 has got the same effect on a rogue, but obviously the green one is cooler. Very close - either one is fine.


1. Lasting Feralheart Spaulders


1. Inherited Cape of the Black Baron

2. Wispy Cloak(*)

3. Linen Cloak

Enchant: Stealth


1. Stained Shadowcraft Tunic

2. Vendor Chest

Enchant: Greater Stats


1. Vendor Bracers

Enchant: Superior Stamina


1. Herbalist's Gloves

Enchant: Superior Agility

Enchant 2: Minor Haste

Comments: Use Minor Haste vs. ranged - Agility vs. melee


1. Squealer's Belt(*)

2. Vendor Belt


1. Stained Shadowcraft Pants

2. Haliscan Pantaloons

3. Tuxedo Pants

Enchant: Rugged Armor Kit

Enchant 2: Medium Armor Kit

Comments: Rugged armor kit - Tuxedo/Haliscan, Medium armor - Stained Shadowcraft Pants.


1. Vendor Boots

Enchant: Lesser Accuracy

Enchant 2: Minor Speed

Enchant 3: Greater Agility

Comments: Lesser Accuracy should be used in most situations, but vs. ranged classes I like to use Minor Speed. Agility vs. other melee level one twinks.


1. Arena Grand Master

2. Inherited Insignia of the Alliance

3. Inherited Mark of Tyranny


1. Charmed Anicent Bone Bow

2. Cadet's Bow

3. Polished Shortbow

Comments: I thought I'd keep this here, but it is outdated. You no longer use bows, instead you have a "Throw" ability, which is faster & better.


MH. Battle-Hardened Thrash Blade
MH 2. Fine Scimitar

Enchant: Agility

OH. Battleworn Thrash Blade
OH 2. Fine Scimitar

Enchant: Agility

Comments: There are a lot of different weapon/enchant combinations you can use, but I find the double thrash blade w/ 15agility combination to be the best.


4. Professions


Unless you have something grandfathered, the best pair of professions is Herbalism + Skinning, with First Aid as well. Here's a list of each profession and the in-combat benefit you gain from it:

Skinning: +6 Crit

Mining: +5 Stamina

Herbalism: 50-400 heal + 35 haste for 20 seconds.

First Aid: Heavy Runecloth Bandage


5. Races & Macros




(Shadowmeld, Nature Resistance, Quickness)

(Every Man for Himself, Mace Specialization)

(Darkflight, Viciousness, Aberration)

(Stoneform, Frost Resistance, Mace Specialization, Crack Shot)

(Escape Artist, Expansive Mind, Arcane Resistance)


(Regeneration, Berserking, Da Voodoo Shuffle)

(Will Of The Forsaken, Cannibalize, Shadow Resistance, Touch Of The Grave)

(Arcane Resistance, Arcane Torrent)

(Blood Fury, Hardiness, Axe Specialization)

Top Three

1. The Troll race has got insane health regeneration, which makes them very hard to kill in comparison to other races. They also have a decent haste cooldown.

2. Night Elves can cast shadowmeld which if timed right can make the Night Elf regenerate a lot of health & it might give you a moment to bandage. People also de-target you, this means that spells casted on you will also be cancelled. Night elves have more agility than any other race.

3. Undead have quite a few racials, and along with Touch of The Grave it beats a Worgen in most situations. Versus casters/ranged a Worgen would be better, though.


Swapping manually (Pouch - Offhand) will be too slow, so you will have to make a macro:

#showtooltip Battleworn Thrash Blade
/equipslot 17 Battleworn Thrash Blade

Other handy macros can be for example this focus macro to keep easier track of your enemy:

/focus [target=mouseover,exists]; target

These two are great time-savers:



In need of HP? get out of your enemy's LoS and use this macro. It'll heal you for a quite massive amount.

/target Boud[for example]
/cast Lifeblood
/use Minor Healing Potion
/cast Heavy Runecloth Bandage

Shadowmeld Persist through DoTs:

#showtooltip shadowmeld
/cast Shadowmeld

This is helpful in 2vX:

/target focus
/use Heavy Runecloth Bandage


6. Consumables


You should keep a healthy amount of the following on you at all times:

Rough Sharpening Stone

Scroll of Agility

Darkmoon Firewater

Minor Healing Potion

Heavy Runecloth Bandage

Halaani Whiskey

Weak Troll's Blood Elixir

Oil of Olaf(H)

Discombobulator Ray

Enriched Lasher Root

Charged Crystal Focus


7. Tips


Start off with your main-hand and a Furbolg Medicine Pouch. Once you have lost 100hp swap to your off-hand weapon, by using the macro found in the macro section. Always swap back to the pouch before using anything that heals, swap back if it doesn't bring you above the dual-wield hp amount.

Play defensive against all classes & save things like Lifeblood, Arena Grand Master, Healing potions, Heavy Runecloth Bandages etc, untill it is really necessary(but not too late). Playing defensive also means slightly kiting your melee enemies, then using your Throw ability. Getting up on a roof & throwing at them is to your great advantage, if you are patient.

Sometimes when duelling melees, they jump and move like crazy & you can see that they have no control. In situations like that you want to step back a bit, to make sure that they won't hit you from behind. Strafejumping(turn slightly to the right, jump, left, jump, you'll move backwards without backpaddling) is good versus other melees, as there will be a delay most of the time, and while on your screen they're infront of you, it might not be exactly the same on their screen.

Make sure to stay at max melee range most of the time, because if you for example need a bandage tick you can jump away from the enemy & bandage a lot easier than if you weren't at max range. If you are trying to kite, fake-jumping & fake-turning is always useful. This will sometimes make your enemy think that you are for example jumping off something and they will do the same(fake-jumping) or they will turn around and start running another way because they think that's what you're going to do(fake-turning). These tricks are effective on the roof of the inn in Goldshire.

In Goldshire there are many objects you can use to your advantage, for example the roofs, the signs, the fences & the wagon. Here are some images where I will try to explain as good as I can how to get up on the inn in Goldshire, the BS, and another trick I found out about.

View attachment 2360

View attachment 2361

View attachment 2362

When playing against a mage, you want to find a spot with many corners, then make the mage come close to you.. Damage - hide damage - hide. Rince & repeat to prevent him from getting a cast off at you. A perfect spot for this would be the Goldshire inn entrance.

Always cut the corners quickly & don't jump too much, you might lose track of your enemies, and you're more unpredictable if you don't jump.


8. Conclusion


Playing a rogue is IMO a lot more fun than playing a hunter, or any other class for that matter. Rogue is my favourite class to play at any level, and it is really effective if you master how to play one. Remember to always practice, don't give up & don't delete your twink.

I really hope this helped, Good luck on your twink, and I'll see you later!


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nice guide. been awhile since someone's written one. a couple things that I noticed though that you might consider.

1) BTB isn't the BiS main-hand

2) Daggers aren't your best choice for OH

3) Lion's Strength doesn't need to be on the consumable list...agi scroll is the only battle you should consider

4) Oil of Olaf should be on the consumable list. Use it vs melee and stamina vs caster (my consumable guide is stickied if I forgot something else)

5) Furbolg is still good after you use 100 hp because of lifeblood / bandage. I macro unequip, then reequip before I use either of them

6) Mining over Skinning for pvp is valid. It's preference though.

7) Stylistically, can you put the names of the links by the links. That way people familiar with them don't need to click to find out what it is.

glad to see you're back
nice guide. been awhile since someone's written one. a couple things that I noticed though that you might consider.

1) BTB isn't the BiS main-hand

2) Daggers aren't your best choice for OH

3) Lion's Strength doesn't need to be on the consumable list...agi scroll is the only battle you should consider

4) Oil of Olaf should be on the consumable list. Use it vs melee and stamina vs caster (my consumable guide is stickied if I forgot something else)

5) Furbolg is still good after you use 100 hp because of lifeblood / bandage. I macro unequip, then reequip before I use either of them

6) Mining over Skinning for pvp is valid. It's preference though.

7) Stylistically, can you put the names of the links by the links. That way people familiar with them don't need to click to find out what it is.

glad to see you're back

Thanks! Will be fixed!
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nice guide. been awhile since someone's written one. a couple things that I noticed though that you might consider.

1) BTB isn't the BiS main-hand

2) Daggers aren't your best choice for OH

3) Lion's Strength doesn't need to be on the consumable list...agi scroll is the only battle you should consider

4) Oil of Olaf should be on the consumable list. Use it vs melee and stamina vs caster (my consumable guide is stickied if I forgot something else)

5) Furbolg is still good after you use 100 hp because of lifeblood / bandage. I macro unequip, then reequip before I use either of them

6) Mining over Skinning for pvp is valid. It's preference though.

7) Stylistically, can you put the names of the links by the links. That way people familiar with them don't need to click to find out what it is.

glad to see you're back

I thought BTB was best MH and either of the daggers OH? Please explain how either isn't BiS?
I believe the BiS main hand is situational for what ever chant you have on it and or single wield vs duel wield. Generally though the slower weapons (2.80) work better with your SS. I'm pretty sure BTB is BiS off-hand though.....when duel wielding with two weapons.

Many thanks, so the other sword or even a mace would be a good MH choice if duel wielding?
If you're DW as a Rogue, here are the max damage (not figuring in block/parry/dodge) you can get with the weapons (figured on a 24% miss base for dual wield). Fast daggers are only good for Rogues if you can put poisons on them...which we can't.

Main Hand

Blessed Hammer of Grace (or Devout Aurastone Hammer) = 718.9 damage per minute with Fiery & 603.8 with Agility

Battleworn Thrashblade = 713.9 damage per minute with Fiery & 600.8 with Agility

Off Hand

Battleworn Thrashblade = 260.1 damage per minute with Fiery & 176.7 with Agility

Balanced Heartseeker = 234.4 damage per minute with Fiery & 170.9 with Agility
If you're DW as a Rogue, here are the max damage (not figuring in block/parry/dodge) you can get with the weapons (figured on a 24% miss base for dual wield). Fast daggers are only good for Rogues if you can put poisons on them...which we can't.

Main Hand

Blessed Hammer of Grace (or Devout Aurastone Hammer) = 718.9 damage per minute with Fiery & 603.8 with Agility

Battleworn Thrashblade = 713.9 damage per minute with Fiery & 600.8 with Agility

Off Hand

Battleworn Thrashblade = 260.1 damage per minute with Fiery & 176.7 with Agility

Balanced Heartseeker = 234.4 damage per minute with Fiery & 170.9 with Agility

And what about the Venerable Mass of McGowan ?

Speed of 2.80 or 0.10 above The Blessed Hammer of Grace and Devout Aurastone Hammer.

It means more damage with Sinister Strike, and more proc from enchants like Fiery Weapon.

Is the Venerable Mass of McGowan not a BiS ?
no .. the damage range from Venerable is the same as Blessed (11-21). So Sinister Strikes do the same damage.

Also, the faster speed does more white damage and since the proc rate increase is so low with the .1 speed difference, the white dmg beats it out.

If you plug them into dps formulas you'll get this (per minute with no blocks/parries/dodges/miss):


Sinister Strike: 285

White Damage: 342.8

Fiery Proc: 408

Total: 1035.8


Sinister Strike: 285

White Damage: 355.5

Fiery Proc: 402

Total: 1042.5
no .. the damage range from Venerable is the same as Blessed (11-21). So Sinister Strikes do the same damage.

Also, the faster speed does more white damage and since the proc rate increase is so low with the .1 speed difference, the white dmg beats it out.

If you plug them into dps formulas you'll get this (per minute with no blocks/parries/dodges/miss):


Sinister Strike: 285

White Damage: 342.8

Fiery Proc: 408

Total: 1035.8


Sinister Strike: 285

White Damage: 355.5

Fiery Proc: 402

Total: 1042.5

Ok, I understand, thank you for the detailed explanation. It was a stupid mistake, I did not notice that the damage range was the same at level 1... Sorry.

If I can ask a new question from beginner, where do you find the formulas for the DPS, including SS and enchant proc, please?
Thank you!

It's going to be very useful for me !
importnant? assuming that since it's misspelled 100 times, you mean important
Great job! I like this guide, do you think you will make more guides for other classes? If so, I'll be waiting

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