F2P MoP F2P Hunter Guide

Updated for 5.2 :)

- Added a very brief description for specs.
- Changed gear to a best to worst order.
- Added some macros n organized them somewhat.
- Updated stats with every stat you'd wanna know :p (expertise is pretty tough to determine scaling so I'm getting a big test sample) @sabzep is that enough stats for ya? xD
New gear update: Foreman's Gloves are definitely BiS compared to naga :/
With Naga - 271 shots dodged/3573 total shots = 7.585% dodge chance
With Foreman's- 107 shots dodged/2777 total shots= 3.853% dodge chance

Difference- Either 7.5% (or maybe 7% with alot of rogue evasions in there) compared to 4% (or maybe 3.5% again with more evasions) means foreman's gives you anywhere from a 3-4% decrease in chances to be dodged.

Looks like to be BiS you gotta go farm another rare. Gl
Hi Lil you asked for my opinion, so here it is:


# 87 chance to dodge is a typo: should be 20.11 instead of 10.11


"% per crit" seem to me like useless numbers, because you have basically written down rounding errors?
Where did you get the numbers? Seems that we don't even know with what precision these are calculated internally.
Maybe, show what number of crit is possible with a maximum crit set and compare it with a maximum agility and
then a balanced set.


the same as crit. % per hit seems to be constant and you write down rounding errors.
With battleground scaling the only interresting number is hitcap and maybe the maximum
achievable hit for PvE. Every other number can be easily calculated and doesn't need to be in a table.
Maybe mention spell hit. I'm no expert and don't play a hunter at the moment, but i think i read somewhere on the
forum about spellhit for hunters and you might be able to clear up my confusion. Add the
conversion from expertise to spell hit.


% per exp is redundant again.
Maybe add the dodge chance of different classes:
dodge stacking Prot Warrior/Paladin
Rogue base and with Evasion
everyone else is base 3%?

You mentioned you measured the dodge chance with combat data but i would be careful to
consider that data. There seems to be many variables to screw up any measurement. Hit in front/back, dodging class and evasion.

Mention you can only dodge if you are facing an opponent.

One idea i had:

Add to the race section the interresting base stats like agility and stam. They might not
be the deciding factor, but they might sway someone in one direction when he cant decide
between two races.
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# 87 chance to dodge is a typo: should be 20.11 instead of 10.11
Didn't catch that one.. Stupid num pad messed me up


"% per crit" seem to me like useless numbers, because you have basically written down rounding errors?
Where did you get the numbers? Seems that we don't even know with what precision these are calculated internally.
Maybe, show what number of crit is possible with a maximum crit set and compare it with a maximum agility and
then a balanced set.
Not sure what you mean by rounding errors but all of these "% per ___" are exact. Agi does add crit as well but I took the % added number for each crit item I found. The problems were that with my "max" agi set was only 87 due to me not being able to add anything with crit and my highest crit was 37 however that isn't the max as I would need to farm stendels x2 which would be a PAIN :/


the same as crit. % per hit seems to be constant and you write down rounding errors.
With battleground scaling the only interresting number is hitcap and maybe the maximum
achievable hit for PvE. Every other number can be easily calculated and doesn't need to be in a table.
Maybe mention spell hit. I'm no expert and don't play a hunter at the moment, but i think i read somewhere on the
forum about spellhit for hunters and you might be able to clear up my confusion. Add the
conversion from expertise to spell hit.
The only number that is now constant is AP gained via agi. Everything else is rounded now in bgs so again there's no errors (typos don't count lol). The highest hit cap I could possibly get is 37 but there is a couple items I could farm again just don't feel the need to. Spell hit only effects pets chances and if you have 6% hit in bgs that completely takes care of pets as it's a hit % (.5) + Exp % (.5) = pet hit. We could easily add that in the stats though or somewhere


% per exp is redundant again.
Maybe add the dodge chance of different classes:
dodge stacking Prot Warrior/Paladin
Rogue base and with Evasion
everyone else is base 3%?

You mentioned you measured the dodge chance with combat data but i would be careful to
consider that data. There seems to be many variables to screw up any measurement. Hit in front/back, dodging class and evasion.

Mention you can only dodge if you are facing an opponent.
I myself only have a hunt that is BiS so I would need other people to give me any stats regarding other classes. The data for exp on this page I think is decent due to it having a high test sample. In one bg I had as high as a 15.2% dodge chance then one bg only had a 2.7% but in the end they all averaged together. It was only really an idea to get a general idea for the effect foreman's has and I would say even with just a 3% decrease it would still be dramatically better. Was in no way to give EXACT dodge chances as that isn't possible unless I would use foreman's and the fang set to get cap.

One idea i had:

Add to the race section the interresting base stats like agility and stam. They might not
be the deciding factor, but they might sway someone in one direction when he cant decide
between two races.
Big could add this. Didn't think about it but it could make a difference in the end.

You seemed to think the % per ___ is redundant but my reasoning for doing that is to 1) show the exact percents added for different numbers so people can choose their possible cutoff point. 2) to show that there is no constant number for ANY stat besides AP from agi 3) just the # and % added seemed to be to little info ^-^ and 4) cause I haven't seen any other guides with anything like stats so thought I'd add as much info as possible.

I'm not taking away what you said as you made a couple points that definitely should be in here just trying to say my reasoning for some of the stuff.
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Not sure what you mean by rounding errors but all of these "% per ___" are exact.

I mean the values you read on the character pane is already rounded to 2 numbers behind the decimal point. The different values you get for "% per ___" are based on that rounding difference and should technically be a constant number. Therefore different values for "% per ___" are useless and a single value should be sufficient.

Don't get me wrong: I respect your effort and work you put into this.
Since you ignored my post in Q&A heres a repost concerning your statistigs
Just remember that different targets have different dodge chances. Recount will only be reliable if you shoot targets with the same dodge chance, shoot at one rogue with evasion (or without even), and your statistics become flawed.

I'd rather trust the character screen, this isn't Diablo II, you know. :)

If you tested by shooting at the same target dummy then ignore my comment of course.

Your conclusion (that foremans gloves are bis) is correct however, but your statistics are mostly useless, egen considering the high test sample, because you take no measures to insure your targets are representative.
Since you ignored my post in Q&A heres a repost concerning your statistigs

Your conclusion (that foremans gloves are bis) is correct however, but your statistics are mostly useless, egen considering the high test sample, because you take no measures to insure your targets are representative.

I haven't ignored anyones post in that thread if they answered my question. The stats on exp aren't useless also... There is noway that you have a 1% dodge chance without foreman's and there's no way you have a 20% dodge chance. 7.5% is the rough number. Just like 4% is the rough number for foreman's. I never said that you have exactly 7.5% to dodge all the time without it I just simply put the rough numbers on avg how much you will get dodged.

With 3.5k and 2.7k shots fired for each test sample there was enough of a sample to get the numbers so don't say they are useless. There was 12/16 bgs within the 7-8% without it and 8/11 bgs within the 3-4.5% with it
But the difference in dodge chance in each bg could just as well be because of different class compositions of the opposing team. As Dasha said the difference between foremans of no foremans is 2% chance and your statistics show something else because of many different variables (dodge rating of target, your relative position, whether target is casting or cc'd and so on).
Lil, I'm wondering what you mean when you say whether the pet's stun DRs with BM's Intimidation or doesn't, please explain.

"DR" means Diminishing Returns. Basically, if the pets stun is the same type of spell as intimidation, it will shorten the length of time intimidation will stun for, if used within roughly 18 seconds of the stun.

For instance, if you use the monkey stun on an opponent and then follow it up with intimidation, that player will be stunned for half of the 3 seconds (1.5 seconds) because of the diminishing returns. This essentially makes intimidation less effective until the diminishing return is reset after 18 seconds.

If you have ever been sapped by a rogue three times in a row, you have noticed that the time of each sap is decreased each time. Same principle.
Lil, I'm wondering what you mean when you say whether the pet's stun DRs with BM's Intimidation or doesn't, please explain.

What big said. Also explained well here

If you have ever been sapped by a rogue three times in a row, you have noticed that the time of each sap is decreased each time. Same principle.

It would be helpful if we put something about DR in here somehow.. Was thinking after 5.3 and this major human nerf since we need to edit we could find a spot. full length-1/2 as long-1/4th as long- immune

Ex. 6s hoj followed by 4s poo throw (2s with dr) followed up by 3s intim (.75s with dr) 6s hoj (immune)
Ahhhhh, thank you for the reply and information. Makes sense why when i get Feared, the second time is about 3.5 seconds. I'm so noobish :p I was also wondering what a controlled stun is and why you, Lil, told me that Wasp is best pet right now, but soon the best pet will be Bat. Why is this? Sorry that I ask too many questions lol, I pretty much follow you and Big's guide about everything, but I don't always know all the terms you use. Thanks.
Imo wasp is the best pet atm for BM CC. It doesnt DR with anything which means it will always be a 2s stun that doesnt break with dmg and that with your scatter shot is 6s of CC. Bat does DR with intimidation so that means you cant use bat then intim right away on one person with the full length on both. It maybe ranged but it DRs which means the max you can get is 3.5s instead of 5s.

Come 5.3 however almost every hunt will be SV and you will no longer need to worry about DR with intim so bat will be a good pet for CC imo. Check out Bigs pet part if you want to learn about any pet choices. There is no best pet but there are pets that are better then others
If your like me and like to switch pets out constantly for some variety or depending on the setups your playing, this macro might be useful. Has as many pet abilities macro'ed into it as I could fit. The icon also changes for whatever pet you have out.

#showtooltip [pet:Monkey] Bad Manner; [pet:Spider] Web; [pet:Bat] Sonic Blast; [pet:Scorpid] Clench; [pet:Wasp] Sting; [pet:Basilisk] Petrifying Gaze; [pet:Bird of Prey] Snatch; [pet:Crab] Pin; [pet:Moth] Serenity Dust;
/click PetActionButton7

If there some pets in there you don't use, just switch out the pet name and pet ability with the one you want. Just make sure your pets "special ability" is in the 7th slot on the pet action bar or change the "7" to whatever slot yours is on (1-10). A bit redundant but maybe it might help someone...
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Thanks for the guide. I only just recently came across it but already made a few tweaks to my hunter based on some of the great info here. Especially, thank you for explaining expertise.

I had one question though. I had looked into herbalism/alchemy for the minor agility potion but decided to forgo that for skinning/mining and use darkmoon firewater as my battle elixir. Is there a reason that the alchemy elixir would be considered stronger?
I had one question though. I had looked into herbalism/alchemy for the minor agility potion but decided to forgo that for skinning/mining and use darkmoon firewater as my battle elixir. Is there a reason that the alchemy elixir would be considered stronger?

My view on profs is that once you get either swiftness or minor agi elixir alch/herb is best without a doubt. Until you get those rare drops though I would consider skinning/herb to be just as good. Swiftness is too important to pass up once you have it and 12 agi really adds up and is better then firewater although alot harder to farm.
Thanks Lillhunter!

I run dungeons on and off so I'll probably see them drop eventually. Until then, sticking with my easy passive buffs. Good info.
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These abilities are available in all hunter specs.

Steady Shot: (2 sec, 14 focus gained) Used after initial burst or to quickly gain focus. Useable while moving.​

Arcane Shot: (Instant, 20 focus): Not mitigated by armor, probably your most-used shot now in MoP.​

Serpent Sting: (Instant, 15 focus): 15 second nature DoT that should be on your target(s) constantly

Scatter Shot: (Instant, 20yd range): 4 second CC and on a 30 second cooldown. Breaks on damage.​

Concussive Shot: (Instant): 50% reduced movement speed on target for 6 seconds on a 5 second cooldown.​

Disengage: (Instant): Leaps backwards, putting distance between you and a target. Can also be used as a gap-closer with a jump-turn. Only usable in combat.​

Hunter’s Mark: (Instant, 100yd range): Used to keep rogues and druids out of stealth from distance. Increases all ranged damage on target by 5%. Should always be up.​

Beast Mastery

These abilities are exclusive to Beast Master hunters. These abilities give BM hunters the most utility and the most CC out of the specs. In addition to that, pet damage output is the highest in this spec. Solid damage output, high CC dumps, and the most utility makes this a strong choice in spec. A pet that stuns is a good choice for BM to make chain CC longer and highlight your specs usefulness even more.

Kill Command: (Instant, 40 focus, 25yd range): BM hunters special ability. SHOULD NOT BE SPAMMED AS A DAMAGING ATTACK just mostly used as a pet gap closer.​

Intimidation: BM hunters special ability. 3-second stun on pets next attack on a 1 min CD. Doesn't break from damage.​

Go for the Throat: Auto shot crits generate 15 pet focus.​


These abilities are exclusive to Marksmanship hunters. These abilities give MM hunters the most burst out of the specs. Aimed shot is your burst attack however it is hard to setup with 2.5s casts. Can be fun to try out for the fun 1 shots on low hp people or people nearing death however is considered the worst spec by far. A good pet for this is the ravager so that Aimed shot does 4% added dmg.

Aimed Shot: (2.5 sec, 50 focus): MM hunters special ability. High damage and burst but difficult to set up due to the cast time. Useless on mail/plate wearers as arcane spam does more damage however can do a very high amount on any cloth wearers.​

Careful Aim: 75% added crit chance with Aimed shot or Steady shot on targets above 80% allowing constant crits on healers who heal to full.​


These abilities are exclusive to Survival hunters. These abilities give SV hunters the best widespread and consistent damage out of the specs. SV offers the 2nd highest burst (just behind MM) however allows you to continue on the move and deal it to separate enemies. A good pet for this spec is the dragonhawk or the wind serpent for 5% more dmg from magical attacks.

Explosive Shot: (Instant, 25 focus): SV hunters special ability. Deals damage divided into three separate ticks that crit independently reducing burst.​

Remove Intimidation , no longer available for F2P !!

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